
Enhanced PHPUnit Assertion Messages - Debug assertions without creating a mess.

v1.0.0 2018-02-23 22:12 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 17:17:31 UTC


PHPUnit Assertion Message Build Status SensioLabsInsight

composer require --dev appeltaert/phpunit-assertion-message


  1. Simply wrap whatever message you normally pass to assertions in a new PAM(string $message, [mixed $context,...]) instance.
  2. Run phpunit with --debug

$context can be basically be anything, for now there's only explicit support for Symfony Response and Request objects, but as a final resort a var flattening processor will take over to basically make anything readable if no processor can handle your context.


This will turn this occasional mess while debugging.

$response = $client->getResponse();

$this->assertTrue($response->isSuccessful(), "My message");
There was 1 failure:
1) Tests\AppBundle\Controller\DefaultControllerTest::testIndex
My message

// wtf is going on
// $this->assertTrue($client->getResponse()->isSuccessful())
// $collector = $profiler->getCollector()..
// var_dump($collector->...);
// echo $response->getContent();
// var_dump($response->headers->all();
// die.. die.. die..


Into this.

$response = $client->getResponse();

    new PAM("My message", [$response, $profiler->getCollector('request')]));
There was 1 failure:

1) Tests\AppBundle\Controller\DefaultControllerTest::testIndex
My message

HTTP response:         Code: 200
               Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
                    Cookies: 0: qwer=qewrqwer; path=/; httponly
Request profile:      Format: html
                  StatusText: OK
                       Route: app_router_index
                  StatusCode: 200
                 ContentType: text/html; charset=UTF-8
                    PathInfo: /router/

How it works


All context passed is handled by a chain of Processors. The first one to accept the context wins. The processors are then printed by a Printer. The default printer Plain dumps everything into human-readable blocks.

Symfony Response object

$response = $client->getResponse();
$this->assertTrue($response->isSuccessful(), new PAM("My message", [$response]));
HTTP response:      Code: 500
                 Headers:  content-type: ["text\/html; charset=UTF-8"]
                          cache-control: ["no-cache, private"]
                                   date: ["Fri, 23 Feb 2018 21:12:32 GMT"]
                          x-debug-token: ["771d20"]
               Exception: qewr (500 Internal Server Error)

Symfony request profiler

    new PAM(sprintf('The %s public URL loads correctly.', $url), [$client->getProfile()->getCollector('request')])
Request profile:            Format: html
                             Route: blog_index
                        StatusText: Internal Server Error
                        StatusCode: 500
                       ContentType: text/html; charset=UTF-8
                          PathInfo: /en/blog/
                            Method: GET
                            Locale: en
                       RouteParams:    page: 1
                                    _format: html
                                    _locale: en
                 SessionAttributes: key: val
                   SessionMetaData:   Created: Fri, 23 Feb 18 22:12:31 +0100
                                    Last used: Fri, 23 Feb 18 22:12:31 +0100
                                     Lifetime: 0
                            Action: AppBundle\Controller\BlogController::indexAction


$someArray = [];
$this->assertArrayHasKey("test", $array, new PAM("My message", [
    'qwerqwer' => 'qwerqewr', ['qwerqewr', 'qwerqwer']
Array: qwerqwer: qwerqewr
              0: 0: qwerqewr
                 1: qwerqwer



At the moment there is only one printer, Plain.

Statically set all options

PAM::setDefaults($processors, $printer, $env);

Overriding the environment

$env = new Env($debug = null, $verbose = null, $supportsColors = null);
PAM::setDefaults([], null, $env);




  • more symfony
  • move them to separate suggested repos
  • make them pluggable


  • distinctive dumps based on env, more info --verbose, less without
  • detect interactive terminal(for colored output f.e.), also check ansi arguments.
  • posix_isatty, XTERM check?