
Manage configurations using dot route

v0.6 2023-10-17 13:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 16:58:12 UTC


Set or get configuration items from dictionary style array inside file.

The configuration is wrote in a file contains an array that must be returned.

// file called config.php 
return [
   'item1' => 'value1' ,
   'item2' => [
     'item3 => 'value2',

Then the items inside array can be obtained using dot notation, for example, for item3:

$result = Config::get('config.item2.item3');

The first part of notation 'config' is the filename without .php extension.


composer require apolinux/configfile


In the current directory there is a php file called myconfig.php that have the following code:

// myconfig.php 

return [
  'item' => ['item2' => ['item3' => ['item4' => ['http://uno']]]],
  'list' => ['blablabla'],
  'other' => ['a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd', 'e' => 'f'],
  'alt' => ['alt1' => ['ttt ' => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10000]]],

Then we get the items:


Config::init(__DIR__) ;

echo Config::get('myconfig.item.item2.item3.item4');
// it shows 'http://uno' 

echo Config::get('myconfig.list');
// shows 'blablabla' 

echo Config::set('myconfig.list','otherlist');
// set only in memory 'otherlist' in 'list' key from myconfig.php file



defines the base directory of config files

get($item, $default=null)

obtains value from key defined in $item. If there is no value found return $default. If $default is null, throws an exception

set($item, $value)

Put a value in key $item but only in memory. The file config remains untouched.

getToUserPwd($item, $default=null)

Group key and value in same text. Convert an indexed array like [ 'a' => 'b' ] to form 'a:b'.

getReplaced($item, $default=null)

Get item like get() method, but replaces wildards inside value returned enclosed with '%' like '%item%' with the value obtained in another get operation using this wildcard.

Example: If Config::get('config.testwc') returns '%init%/some' then getReplaced search for the value of Config::get('config.init') and replaces it in '%init%'


configlist is a script than shows all the configurations from config file an item by line. Is installed in directory vendor/bin.

configlist --help
List configuration files in lineal form like:itema.itemb.itemc => value
Usage configlist <base_dir> <config_file>
base_dir   : optional. base directory where to find for configuration files, default directory is current.
config_file: optional. write configuration file name without php, example: config