apolinux / commandrun
command line interface running method classes as parameters
Run command line programs calling method from class, using parameters as method arguments.
Running an unique command it lets to call methods from several classes inside a defined dir.
It shows a complete help about the program itself and the possible classes to be called.
Sometimes it is convenient to call commands with configurable parameters and convert them to method objects. This class let's to skip manually processing command line arguments and get info about every class configured to be called.
It is provided a file called cmdrun.php to show how the program must be called:
use \Apolinux\ClassManager\DirectoryClassType;
use \Apolinux\ClassManager\ClassContainer;
require __DIR__ .'/vendor/autoload.php' ;
$container = new ClassContainer ;
$container->add(new DirectoryClassType(__DIR__. '/test/unit/Commands'));
$cmd = new \Apolinux\CommandRun($container);
when is executed:
it shows:
command run
Usage: cmdrun.php [ -h | --help ] [ -l | --list ] ClassName [ -h | -help ] [ method ] [ --param1=value1 ] [ --param2=value2 ] ...
-h | --help : shows this help.
-l | --list : shows a list of possible classname commands.
-d | --classdir : specify classes directory where to find class commands.
ClassName : name of class that contains "run" method with command instructions.
-h | -help : after classname. show class methods available with their respective parameters.
method : alternative method to be called.
--paramX=valueX : parameter names of run (or "method") method in ClassName class.
using a test dir:
./cmdrun.php -l
classes list:
* TestProcess
* TestRunClass
To view method details of class run as cmdrun.php ... ClassName -h
./cmdrun.php TestRunClass
The parameter 'param1' is not defined. Parameters are defined like '--paramX=valueX'.
Method definition: ::run [default] ( int $param1, bool $param2, undefined $param3=null, string $param4='' )
./cmdrun.php TestRunClass --param1=541 --param2=false
in method TestRunClass::run
receive parameters:
./cmdrun.php TestRunClass --param1=541 --param2=false --param3=11 --param4="hey you!"
in method TestRunClass::run
receive parameters:
param4:hey you!
Where class TestRunClass is defined here:
use Apolinux\Commandable;
class TestRunClass implements Commandable{
public function run(int $param1, bool $param2, $param3=null, string $param4=''){
echo "in method ". __METHOD__ .PHP_EOL ;
echo "receive parameters: ". PHP_EOL;
echo "param1:". ($param1). PHP_EOL;
echo "param2:". ($param2 ? 'true' : 'false'). PHP_EOL;
echo "param3:". ($param3). PHP_EOL;
echo "param4:". ($param4). PHP_EOL;
public function processSome($name, $phone, $amount=10){
echo "name: $name, $phone:$phone, $amount:$amount". PHP_EOL ;
New in version 0.7
Using anonymous and custom classes. It can be used with a anonymous class list. Example:
$argv=['cmd', '-l'];
class testInternal {
public function run(){
echo 'in class testInternal' ;
class testInternal2{
public function run(){
echo 'in class testInternal2';
$argv=['fido', '-l'];
$class_list = [
'testanonymous1' => new class{
public function run(){
echo 'in class testanonymous1' ;
} ,
'testanonymous2' => new class{
public function run(){
echo 'in class testanonymous2' ;
// run command
$class_container = new ClassContainer();
$class_container->add(new DirectoryClassType(__DIR__ .'/Commands'));
$class_container->add(new AnonymousClassType($class_list));
$class_container->add(new InternalClassType(['testInternal',testInternal2::class ]) ); // define explicitamente las clases
$cmd = new \Apolinux\CommandRun($class_container);
will get something like this:
php -d display_errors=1 test.php -l
classes list:
* testanonymous1
* testanonymous2
* testInternal
* testInternal2
To view method details of class run as test.php ... ClassName -h
The method CommandRun::start receives an optional parameter to replace global $argv argument list if it's required.