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Phroper api engine

dev-master 2021-11-16 14:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-16 21:52:04 UTC


Headless CMS engine, written in php, written for you ❤.

Startup configuration

In order to handle incoming request with Phroper, you have to redirect the request to a php file (for example: index.php). If you are using apache server, write a .htaccess file an enable url rewriteing module.

Example content of .htaccess:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([^?]*) index.php?__url__=$1 [L,QSA]

    Require all granted
    Require all denied

In php file, you must provide the ROOT constant as the root of Phroper server, to handle dynamic imports correctly. Make an instance of Phroper, register the handlers, and call run method.

Example of index.php:


define('ROOT', dirname(__FILE__));


Phroper::setMysqli(new mysqli(

Phroper::serveFolder(ROOT . DS . "public");
Phroper::serveFallbackFile(ROOT . DS . "public" . DS . "index.html");



You can create new data schemas under Models/ and Phroper is able to handle php classes and json files for models. Classes have to be declared in Models namespace and has to be inherited from Phroper\Model.

Model parameters

These parameters can be configured to scecify the beavior of the model. When declaring a php class, these parameters are can be passed to Model class at first parameter of Model constructor as an assoc array, in JSON models these parameters are set in the root of the JSON object.

Parameter name Description Default
display This field will be displayed on ui to identify the entity id
primary Primary key of the model id
visible Determinates if the model is displayed on the admin panel true
editable Determinates if the data can be edited through admin panel true
key Identifier of the model, do not change it auto generated id
name Name of the model, will be displayed on admin panel Key as readable text
sql_table Model will use this sql table in the background Key of the model
default_service If true, the model will be editable through default Rest apis true

Fields of model

The fields determinates the structure of an entity. The models have 4 predefined fields, but any of them can be overwritten or can be removed by setting then to null. In a php class model the fields can be accessed and modified throug the $fields member like an assoc array and have to give an instance of a Field type, in a JSON model the fields are set by the members of the fields object, is it possible to specify the class name of the field as string, or specify an array (classname followed by constructor arguments).


These examples showing an equivalent model declaration with php and json structure;

// Models/Logs.php
namespace Models;

use Phroper\Model;
use Phroper\Fields\Email;
use Phroper\Fields\Password;

class Log extends Model {
  public function __construct() {
      "sql_table" => "log",
      "editable" => false,
      "default_service" => false

    $this->fields["updated_at"] = null;
    $this->fields["type"] = new Phroper\Fields\Enum(["debug", "info", "warn", "error"]);
    $this->fields["message"] = new Phroper\Fields\Text();
// Models/Log.json
  "sql_table": "log",
  "editable": false,
  "default_service": false,
  "fields": {
    "updated_at": null,
    "type": ["Enum", ["debug", "info", "warn", "error"]],
    "message": "Text"


The field parameters can be passed as the last argument of field constructor. All field type is inherited from Phroper\Fields\Field. The base field parameters can be found in the following table.

Parameter name Description Default
auto Indicates that the field is auto generated, can not be inserted or updated false
default Default value of the field IgnoreField::instance()
type determinates the editor type on admin panel "text"
forced The field will be updated always whit null if no data provided false
min (Integer) Specifies the minimum value of a number
min (Text) Specifies the minimum length of string
min (RelationMulti) Specifies the minimal amount of connected items
max (Integer) Specifies the maximum value of an integer
max (Text) Specifies the maximum length of string
max (RelationMulti) Specifies the maximal amount of connected items
msg_error{validation} Specifies the error message returned when the validation is failed.
populate If true, the field will be default populated and joined, when joining is not specified
private If true, the field will be not available through rest api false
readonly The field can not be updated if true false
regex (Text) Text field value will be matched the given pattern before saving
required If true, the value can not be empty and needs to be inserted false
sql_autoincrement Indicates if the field is auto incremented false
sql_delete_action (RelationToOne) Delete action of the relation RESTRICT
sql_disable_constraint (Enum, RelationToOne) Disables constraint creation false
sql_extra Additional parameters for column definition
sql_field SQL column name of the field key of the field
sql_length Length of sql type
sql_primary Indicates if the field is primary key false
sql_truncate (Text) If true, the given text will be truncated to the length of the field false
sql_type type of sql column
sql_unsigned Marks the db column as unsigned false
unique If true, sql table can not contain two entity with same column value false
via (RelationToMany) This field will determinate what is the connected field in a One To Many relation
virtual Indicates that the value is calculated and not sored in sql table false

Available field types

Field type Description Base type
Field Base type of all fields -
Boolean Logical field, can store true / false Field
Text Text field (VARCHAR) Field
Email Text field that valdates email format Text
Integer Number field (INT) Field
Identity Auto incremented primary key (UNSIGNED INTEGER) Field
Password Text field where only the hash is stored, only updates if some value is provided Text
TextKey Text field with primary key settings Text
Enum Text field that can only store predefined values (first ctor parameter) Text
Timestamp Field to store date and time (TIMESTAMP) Field
CreatedAt Wrapper of Timestamp to store entity creation time Timestamp
UpdatedAt Wrapper of Timestamp to store entity update time Timestamp
Relation Base type of relation fields, additional constructor argument: name of connected model Relation
RelationToOne Stores the id of the connected entity (UNSIGNED INTEGER). Relation
RelationToMany This field will select all connected entities by a field specified in connected model (via parameter). Relation
UpdatedBy Relation that automatically stores the current user id, related to AuthUser (can be null, without foreign key definition) RelationToOne
RelationMulti More - More relation between two models, relation table name will be generated from the table names of models and the relationKey parameter Relation
FileUpload Relation to FileUpload model RelationToOne
FileUploadMulti Multi relation to FileUpload model RelationMulti
Json This field is able to store complex json data (TEXT), encoded and decoded automatically Field