
A service container for PHP 8.0+

dev-master 2021-01-19 19:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-06 22:38:55 UTC


PHP Container is currently an experimental service container used by aPHProach for package development. Feel free to use it in your own packages.

The current documentation sucks. Like I said it is still experimental ;)


The service container is configured via attributes. The main goal is making objects more understandable for other developers.


With the inject attribute you can flag a property for dependency injection.



use aphproach\container\Attributes\AutoWire;

class ProductInserter
    private Doctrine $doctrine;

    private ProductRepository $productRepository;

    private productFactory $productFactory;

AutoWire (default: false)

When defining the AutoWire attribute all properties with an object as type

I do not recommend to use auto wiring. this method is currently useless, and promotes bad practices. Use the Inject attribute instead.



use aphproach\container\Attributes\AutoWire;

class ProductInserter
    private Doctrine $doctrine;

    private ProductRepository $productRepository;

    private productFactory $productFactory;

    public function __construct()
        // AutoWire injects dependencies via reflection.


Coming soon!