
A collection of fast and easy to use attributed string classes for PHP. Attributed strings can have multiple attributes for each character of the string and are for example used for word processors and natural language processing.

v3.0.0 2024-03-29 16:02 UTC


A collection of classes to work with attributed strings in PHP. Attributed strings are strings that can have multiple attributes per character of the string. Each attribute is a bitmap or boolean array with the length of the string. This simple data structure can be used to implement lots of interesting things like:

  • text-decorations, colors, fonts etc in a word processor (e.g. set a range of the string to have the "bold" attribute)
  • semantic text analysis systems (with attributes like "verb" and "noun")
  • core text extraction


  use apemsel\AttributedString\AttributedString;

  // ...

  $as = new AttributedString("The quick brown fox");

  $as->setLength(10, 5, "color"); // "brown" has attribute "color"
  $as->is("color", 12); // == true
  $as->toHtml(); // "The quick <span class=\"color\">brown</span> fox"

  $as->setPattern("/[aeiou]/", "vowel"); // vowels have attribute "vowel"
  $as->getAttributes(12); // char at offset 12 has attributes ["color", "vowel"]

  $as->combineAttributes("and", "color", "vowel", "colored-vowel"); // also use "or", "not", "xor" to combine attributes
  $as->is("colored-vowel", 12); // "o" of "brown" is a color vowel ;-)

  $as->setSubstring("fox", "noun"); // all instances of "fox" have attribute "noun"
  $as->is("noun", 16); // true, char at offset 16 is part of a noun

  $as->searchAttribute("vowel"); // 2, first vowel starts at offset 2
  $as->searchAttribute("vowel", 0, true); // [2, 1], first vowel starting at offset 0 is at offset 2 with length 1

  // MutableAttributedString can be modified after creation and tries to be smart about the attributes
  $mas = new MutableAttributedString("The brown fox");
  $mas->setLength(0, 13, "bold");
  $mas->insert(4, "quick "); // "The quick brown fox";
  $mas->is("bold", 6) // true, "quick" is now also bold since the inserted text was inside the "bold" attribute
  $mas->delete(10, 6) // "The quick fox"

  // TokenizedAttributedString tokenizes the given string, can set attributes by token
  // and maintains the tokens' offsets in the original string.
  $tas = new TokenizedAttributedString("The quick brown fox"); // tokenize using the default whitespace tokenizer
  $tas->getToken(2); // "brown"
  $tas->setTokenAttribute(2, "bold"); // "brown" is "bold"
  $tas->getTokenOffset(2); // 10, "brown" starts at offset 10
  $tas->getTokenOffsets(); // [0, 4, 10, 16], start offsets of the tokens in the string
  $tas->setTokenRangeAttribute(2, 3, "underlined"); // set tokens 2 to 3 to "underlined"
  $tas->getAttributesAtToken(2); // ["bold", "underlined"]
  $tas->lowercaseTokens(); // convert tokens to lowercase
  $tas->setTokenDictionaryAttribute(["a", "an", "the"], "article"); // set all tokens contained in given dictionary to an attribute
  $tas->getAttributesAtToken(0); // "article"


Using Composer (recommended)

composer require apemsel/AttributedString


See the generated phpdoc API documentation in the doc/ directory or try http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apemsel/AttributedString/master/doc/index.html