apaoww / yii2-websocket
Yii2 websocket server component Fork From consik yii2 websocket used cboden/ractchet 0.4
Installs: 34
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 0
Forks: 37
- cboden/ratchet: 0.4.*
- yiisoft/yii2: *
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-22 12:56:08 UTC
Used Ratchet
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require apaoww/yii2-websocket
or add
"apaoww/yii2-websocket": "^1.0"
WebSocketServer class description
int $port = 8080
- Port number for websocket serverbool $closeConnectionOnError = true
- Close connection or not when error occurs with itbool $runClientCommands = true
- Check client's messages for commands or notnull|IoServer $server = null
- IOServer objectnull|\SplObjectStorage $clients = null
- Storage of connected clients
Class yii\base\Event - Triggered when binding is successfully completed
Class yii\base\Event - Triggered when socket listening is closed
Class events\ExceptionEvent - Triggered when throwed Exception on binding socket
Class events\WSClientEvent - Triggered when client connected to the server
Class events\WSClientEvent - Triggered when client close connection with server
Class events\WSClientErrorEvent - Triggered when an error occurs on a Connection
Class events\WSClientMessageEvent - Triggered when message recieved from client
Class events\WSClientCommandEvent - Triggered when controller starts user's command
Class events\WSClientCommandEvent - Triggered when controller finished user's command
Simple echo server
Create your server class based on WebSocketServer. For example daemons\EchoServer.php
<?php namespace app\daemons; use apaoww\yii2websocket\events\WSClientMessageEvent; use apaoww\yii2websocket\WebSocketServer; class EchoServer extends WebSocketServer { public function init() { parent::init(); $this->on(self::EVENT_CLIENT_MESSAGE, function (WSClientMessageEvent $e) { $e->client->send( $e->message ); }); } }
Create yii2 console controller for starting server:
<?php namespace app\commands; use app\daemons\EchoServer; use yii\console\Controller; class ServerController extends Controller { public function actionStart($port = null) { $server = new EchoServer(); if ($port) { $server->port = $port; } $server->start(); } }
Start your server using console:
php yii server/start
Now let's check our server via js connection:
var conn = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080'); conn.onmessage = function(e) { console.log('Response:' + e.data); }; conn.onopen = function(e) { console.log("Connection established!"); console.log('Hey!'); conn.send('Hey!'); };
Console result must be:
Connection established!
Handle server starting success and error events
Now we try handle socket binding error and open it on other port, when error occurs;
Create yii2 console controller for starting server:
<?php namespace app\commands; use apaoww\yii2websocket\WebSocketServer; use yii\console\Controller; class ServerController extends Controller { public function actionStart() { $server = new WebSocketServer(); $server->port = 80; //This port must be busy by WebServer and we handle an error $server->on(WebSocketServer::EVENT_WEBSOCKET_OPEN_ERROR, function($e) use($server) { echo "Error opening port " . $server->port . "\n"; $server->port += 1; //Try next port to open $server->start(); }); $server->on(WebSocketServer::EVENT_WEBSOCKET_OPEN, function($e) use($server) { echo "Server started at port " . $server->port; }); $server->start(); } }
Start your server using console command:
php yii server/start
Server console result must be:
Error opening port 80
Server started at port 81
Recieving client commands
You can implement methods that will be runned after some of user messages automatically;
Server class daemons\CommandsServer.php
<?php namespace app\daemons; use apaoww\yii2websocket\WebSocketServer; use Ratchet\ConnectionInterface; class CommandsServer extends WebSocketServer { /** * override method getCommand( ... ) * * For example, we think that all user's message is a command */ protected function getCommand(ConnectionInterface $from, $msg) { return $msg; } /** * Implement command's method using "command" as prefix for method name * * method for user's command "ping" */ function commandPing(ConnectionInterface $client, $msg) { $client->send('Pong'); } }
Run the server like in examples above
Check connection and command working by js script:
var conn = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080'); conn.onmessage = function(e) { console.log('Response:' + e.data); }; conn.onopen = function(e) { console.log('ping'); conn.send('ping'); };
Console result must be:
Chat example
In the end let's make simple chat with sending messages and function to change username;
Code without comments, try to understand it by youself ;)
- Server class
<?php namespace app\daemons; use apaoww\yii2websocket\events\WSClientEvent; use apaoww\yii2websocket\WebSocketServer; use Ratchet\ConnectionInterface; class ChatServer extends WebSocketServer { public function init() { parent::init(); $this->on(self::EVENT_CLIENT_CONNECTED, function(WSClientEvent $e) { $e->client->name = null; }); } protected function getCommand(ConnectionInterface $from, $msg) { $request = json_decode($msg, true); return !empty($request['action']) ? $request['action'] : parent::getCommand($from, $msg); } public function commandChat(ConnectionInterface $client, $msg) { $request = json_decode($msg, true); $result = ['message' => '']; if (!$client->name) { $result['message'] = 'Set your name'; } elseif (!empty($request['message']) && $message = trim($request['message']) ) { foreach ($this->clients as $chatClient) { $chatClient->send( json_encode([ 'type' => 'chat', 'from' => $client->name, 'message' => $message ]) ); } } else { $result['message'] = 'Enter message'; } $client->send( json_encode($result) ); } public function commandSetName(ConnectionInterface $client, $msg) { $request = json_decode($msg, true); $result = ['message' => 'Username updated']; if (!empty($request['name']) && $name = trim($request['name'])) { $usernameFree = true; foreach ($this->clients as $chatClient) { if ($chatClient != $client && $chatClient->name == $name) { $result['message'] = 'This name is used by other user'; $usernameFree = false; break; } } if ($usernameFree) { $client->name = $name; } } else { $result['message'] = 'Invalid username'; } $client->send( json_encode($result) ); } }
- Simple html form
Username:<br /> <input id="username" type="text"><button id="btnSetUsername">Set username</button> <div id="chat" style="width:400px; height: 250px; overflow: scroll;"></div> Message:<br /> <input id="message" type="text"><button id="btnSend">Send</button> <div id="response" style="color:#D00"></div>
- JS code for chat with jQuery:
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script> <script> $(function() { var chat = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080'); chat.onmessage = function(e) { $('#response').text(''); var response = JSON.parse(e.data); if (response.type && response.type == 'chat') { $('#chat').append('<div><b>' + response.from + '</b>: ' + response.message + '</div>'); $('#chat').scrollTop = $('#chat').height; } else if (response.message) { $('#response').text(response.message); } }; chat.onopen = function(e) { $('#response').text("Connection established! Please, set your username."); }; $('#btnSend').click(function() { if ($('#message').val()) { chat.send( JSON.stringify({'action' : 'chat', 'message' : $('#message').val()}) ); } else { alert('Enter the message') } }) $('#btnSetUsername').click(function() { if ($('#username').val()) { chat.send( JSON.stringify({'action' : 'setName', 'name' : $('#username').val()}) ); } else { alert('Enter username') } }) }) </script>
Enjoy ;)
Starting yii2 console application as daemon using nohup
nohup php yii _ControllerName_/_ActionName_ &