
This package provides a set of functions to detect and manipulate language-specific strings, including language detection, case conversion, and language-based filtering.

v1.0.0 2023-02-05 23:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-20 02:01:23 UTC


Language Detector

Used to determine which language a given string belongs to.


You can install the package via composer: composer require aozen/language-detector


The LanguageDetector class must be included by yourself.

    use \Aozen\LanguageDetector\LanguageDetector;


class YourClass {
    public function yourFunction() {
        $language_detector = new LanguageDetector();
        return $language_detector->detect("Güneş")->getLanguage(); // Result: "tr"

Other Usage Examples

  1. By default, the code searches in all languages specified as available within the code.

  2. The getClosestLanguage function works similarly to getLanguage, but it doesn't guarantee a 100% correct result. For instance, the example Äpfel straße délicieux would return invalid_language with getLanguage, while getClosestLanguage would return de, based on which language had the most character matches. For instance, the expression délicieux délicieux Äpfel would have also returned fr.

  3. To search only in the desired languages, checkList is used.

    $language_detector->detect("Äpfel")->checkList("tr", "de", "it")->getLanguage(); // de
  1. To prevent searching in unwanted languages, blockList is used.
    $language_detector->detect("Äpfel")->blockList("de")->getLanguage(); // invalid_language
  1. To retrieve the lowercase version of the given string for each language, getLowerCase is used. Separate definitions for each language are required.
    $language_detector->detect("TÜRKÇE-BİR-YAZI")->getLowerCase(); // türkçe-bi̇r-yazı


vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Test.php