
Model repositories for Laravel.


The classes provided here allow you to use a repository pattern for CRUD operations on your Laravel models.


composer require antriver/laravel-repositories

Basic Usage

Create a class which extends AbstractRepository.


namespace App\Repositories;

use Antriver\LaravelRepositories\Base\AbstractRepository;
use App\Models\Post;

class PostRepository extends AbstractRepository
    public function getModelClass(): string
        return Post::class;

You now have a repository for Post models with the following methods:

find(int $modelId)

Returns a single model by its primary key, or returns null.

findOrFail(int $modelId)

Returns a single model by its primary key, or throws a ModelNotFoundException.

findMany(array $modelIds)

Returns a collection of multiple models. The result will only contain the models that were found.

findOneBy(string $field, $value)

Returns a single model where field matches value, or returns null.

findOneByOrFail(string $field, $value)

Returns a single model where field matches value, or throws a ModelNotFoundException.

persist(Model $model)

Save the given model to the database.

remove(Model $model)

Delete the given model from the database.

incremenet(Model $model, $column, $amount)

Increase the value in the given column by the amount specified.

(i.e. UPDATE table SET column = column + 1);

decrement(Model $model, $column, $amount)

Decrease the value in the given column by the amount specified.

(i.e. UPDATE table SET column = column - 1);

Caching Repository

If you extend AbstractCachedRepository instead of AbstractRepository you will have all the same functions, however the following operations will look in a cache for the model first.

  • find - Caches the model by its primary key.

  • findOrFail - Caches the model by its primary key.

  • findMany - Uses the same cache keys are find to locate each model.

  • findOneBy - Caches the primary key of the model found with the matching value. Future calls will look up the matching ID for the value and then call find.

  • findOneByOrFail - Caches the primary key of the model found with the matching value. Future calls will look up the matching ID for the value and then call find.

  • persist - This will also store the model in the cache after it is saved to the database.

  • remove - This will also remove the model from the cache after it is saved to the database.

The caching repository also has these additional methods:

forgetById(int $modelId)

Forgets a cached copy of a model (does not delete it from a database).

forgetByModel(Model $model)

Forgets a cached copy of a model (does not delete it from a database).

refreshById(int $modelId)

Updates the cached copy of a model with the latest version found in the database.

Soft Deletable Repository

If your model supports soft deletes (Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes trait), the find etc. methods above will exclude soft deleted models from the results.

If you extend AbstractSoftDeletableRepository instead of AbstractRepository you will get these additional methods:

findWithTrashed(int $modelId)

findWithTrashedOrFail(int $modelId)

Returns a single model by primary key even if it has been soft-deleted.

findTrashed(int $modelId)

findTrashedOrFail(int $modelId)

Returns a model by primary key only if it has been soft-deleted.

findOneByWithTrashed(string $field $value)

findOneByWithTrashedOrFail(string $field, $value)

Returns a single model where field matches value even if it has been soft-deleted.

findTrashedOneBy(string $field $value)

findTrashedOneByOrFail(string $field, $value)

Returns a single model where field matches value only if it has been soft-deleted.

Caching Soft Deletable Repository

This combines the functionality of AbstractCachedRepository and AbstractSoftDeletableRepository.

When using this, the cache of models will be populated with soft-deleted models too. This applies to the primary key cache and the field/value cache. There is filtering inside the repository to return null/throw as appropriate if a trashed or not-trashed model is requested.