
OVH VPS/Cloud Monitoring via OVH API

dev-master 2017-06-22 18:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-05 11:42:00 UTC


OVH VPS/Cloud Monitoring via OVH API using PHP.



First step

Create credentials :*&GET=/cloud*&GET=/status*

Second step

Create monitoring.ini file :

application_key    = your_application_key
application_secret = your_application_secret
endpoint           = ovh-eu
consumer_key       = your_consumer_key

Install using Composer

First step

composer create-project anmolnagpal/ovh-api-monitoring

Second step

Create monitoring.ini file next to public directory (see Configuration).

Install using Docker

First step

Build image from GitHub:

docker build --rm -t anmolnagpal/ovh-api-monitoring


Pull image from Docker Hub:

docker pull anmolnagpal/ovh-api-monitoring

Second step

Create monitoring.ini file (see Configuration).

Third step

Run Docker container with your monitoring.ini mount as volume:

docker run --rm -p 80:80 -v "$PWD/monitoring.ini:/var/www/html/monitoring.ini" anmolnagpal/ovh-api-monitoring

Warning: You maybe will have to fix the path to monitoring.ini file (replace $PWD/monitoring.ini by the correct path).

Fourth step

Go to http://myserver/ (using port 80) where myserver is the IP address of your server to have a look a the monitoring tool.