This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

JKUAT App database interface

v1.0.1 2015-04-11 14:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:46:35 UTC


Database driver for angrycoders/system and ecosystem.


Via Composer

$ composer require angrycoders/db

Get master branch update

$ composer require "angrycoders/db": "dev-master"

Get for a specific version

$ composer require "angrycoders/db": "1.0.0"


Make sure your server is running first.

require_once __DIR__ . '../vendor/autoload.php';

use AngryCoders\Db\Db;

use AngryCoders\Db\DbException;

$db = new Db();

Adding a new table

$db->createTable(tableName, fields)

Creates a new table in the database, if it does not exist already.

  • tableName (string): name of the table
  • fields (array): associative array describe the table's attributes. See below.

fields passed to createTable:

 $fields = array(
    fieldName1 => array(type, size [, extraAttrb1, extraAttrb2, ... , ...]),
    fieldName2 => array(type, size [, extraAttrib1, extraAttrb2, ... , ...]),
  • fieldName (string): name of the attribute
  • type (constant): Required. Constant exposed by the library. Include:
    • Db::DATETIME
    • Db::DOUBLE
    • Db::FLOAT
    • Db::INTEGER
    • Db::TEXT
    • Db::VARCHAR
  • size (integer): Required. Length of field. If a field does not have a size just specify zero (0).
  • extraAttrb1, extraAttrb2, ...: Optional. Any other attributes to be applied. For example,
    • Db::NOT_NULL


try {
    $db->createTable("student", array(
            "studentID" => array(Db::INTEGER, 11, Db::PRIMARY_KEY, Db::AUTO_INCREMENT),
            "regNo" => array(Db::VARCHAR, 20),
            "accountID" => array(Db::INTEGER, 11),
            "name" => array(Db::VARCHAR, 50)));
} catch (DbException $e) {
    echo $e;

Deleting a table


Removes a table from the database.

  • tableName (string): table name



Inserting a record

$db->insertRecord(tableName, values)

Inserts a record into the target table.

  • tableName (string): table name
  • values (array): array of values to be inserted.


$db -> insertRecord("student", array(NULL, 'cs281-3722/2013', '54', '23', 'Magani Felix'));

Deleting a record

$db->deleteRecord(tableName, value, field)

Deletes a record from table tableName where field equals value.

  • tableName (string): name of table
  • value (Any): value to be compared with
  • field (string): name of field to be used to search for value


$db->deleteRecord("student", 'cs281-3722/2013', "regNo");

Selecting records

$db->getRecord(tableName, field, value [, targetFields])

Selects all records from table tableName where field field contains value.

  • tableName (string): table name
  • field (string): name of field to used to search for value
  • value (Any): value to be compared with
  • targetFields (array): Optional. Array of field names to return values from. If not passed, all the fields will be used.


$result = $db->getRecord("student", 'name', 'Felix');

foreach($result as $row)
    echo $row['studentID'] . "<br>";
    echo $row['regNo'] . "<br>";
    echo $row['courseID'] . "<br>";
    echo $row['name'] . "<br>";
    echo $row['accountID'] . "<br><br>";

$result = $db->getRecord("student", 'name', 'Felix', array('name','accountID'));
foreach($result as $row)
    echo $row['name'] . "<br>";
    echo $row['accountID'] . "<br>";

Getting records

$db->getAllRecords(tableName [, targetFields [, numOfRecords [, startIndex]]])

Return all records in table tableName.

  • tableName (string): table name
  • targetFields (array): Optional. Array of field names to return values from. If not passed, all the fields will be used
  • numOfRecords (integer): Optional. number of records to return
  • startIndex (integer): Optional. From which index to fetch records from


$result = $db->getAllRecords("student");

foreach($result as $row)
    echo $row['studentID'] . "<br>";
    echo $row['regNo'] . "<br>";
    echo $row['courseID'] . "<br>";
    echo $row['name'] . "<br>";
    echo $row['accountID'] . "<br><br>";

//selecting accountID and name fields only to be returned
$result = $db->getAllRecords("student", array('name','accountID'));

//selecting the first 5 records to be returned
$result = $db->getAllRecords("student", null, 5);

//selecting the next 10 records to be returned from the 5th record
$result = $db->getAllRecords("student", null, 10, 4);

Updating records

$db->updateRecord(tableName, fields, values, discriminantField, discriminantValue)

Update records in table tableName in the fields fields with the values values where the field discriminantField equals discriminantValue.

  • tableName (string): table name
  • fields (array): array of table fields to target
  • values (array): array of values to update with
  • discriminantField (string): name of field to use to compare records with
  • discriminantValue (Any): value used to compare against


$tableName = "student"; //The name of the table
$fields = array('name', 'accountID'); //Fields to be updated
$values = array('John Doe', '23'); //The new values
$field = 'regNo'; //The field to check
$value = 'cs281'; // The value of the field to check

$db->updateRecord($tableName, $fields, $values, $field, $value);


$ phpunit


Please see for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


Magani Felix and Contributors.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see for more information.