
Laravel repository generator.

dev-master 2019-05-29 09:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:09:04 UTC


Laravel 5 Repositories is used to abstract the data layer, making our application more flexible to maintain.

You want to know a little more about the Repository pattern? Read this great article.

Table of Contents



Execute the following command to get the latest version of the package:

composer require angkosal/repository


>= laravel5.5

ServiceProvider will be attached automatically


In your config/app.php add Angkosal\Repository\RepositoryServiceProvider::class to the end of the providers array:

'providers' => [

Publish Configuration

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Angkosal\Repository\RepositoryServiceProvider" --tag="config"



  • all();
  • first();
  • find($id);
  • findWhere($column, $value);
  • findWhereFirst($column, $value);
  • findWhereLike($column, $value);
  • paginate($perPage = 10);
  • create(array $properties);
  • update($id, array $properties);
  • delete($id);


  • withCriteria($criteria)


Create a Model

Create your model normally, but it is important to define the attributes that can be filled from the input form data.

namespace App;

class Post extends Eloquent { // or Ardent, Or any other Model Class

    protected $fillable = [


Create a Repository

namespace App\Repositories\Eloquent;

use App\Post;
use Angkosal\Repository\Eloquent\AbstractRepository;

class EloquentPostRepository extends AbstractRepository {

     * Specify Model class name
     * @return string
    function model()
        return Post::class;


Create your repositories easily through the generator.


You must first configure the storage location of the repository files. By default is the "app" folder and the namespace "App". Please note that, values in the paths array are acutally used as both namespace and file paths. Relax though, both foreward and backward slashes are taken care of during generation.


        return [
            // Namespaces are being prefixed with the applications base namespace.
            'namespaces' => [
                'contracts' => 'Repositories\Contracts',
                'repositories' => 'Repositories\Eloquent',
                'criteria' => 'Repositories\Criteria',

            // Paths will be used with the `app()->basePath().'/app/'` function to reach app directory.
            'paths' => [
                'contracts' => 'Repositories/Contracts/',
                'repositories' => 'Repositories/Eloquent/',
                'criteria' => 'Repositories\Criteria',


To generate a repository for your Post model, use the following command

php artisan make:repository Post

To generate a repository for your Post model with Blog namespace, use the following command

php artisan make:repository Blog/Post

This will create new provider call RepositoryServiceProvider.php and bind repository automatically. In your config/app.php add YOUR_NAMESPACE\Providers\RepositoryServiceProvider::class to the end of the providers array:

'providers' => [

Done, done that just now you do bind its interface for your real repository, for example in your own Repositories Service Provider.

$this->app->bind('{YOUR_NAMESPACE}Repositories\Contracts\PostRepository', '{YOUR_NAMESPACE}Repositories\Eloquent\EloquentPostRepository');

And use

public function __construct({YOUR_NAMESPACE}Repositories\Contracts\PostRepository $repository){
    $this->repository = $repository;

Alternatively, you could use the artisan command to do the binding for you.

php artisan make:binding Post

Use methods

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Repositories\Contracts\PostRepository;

class PostsController extends BaseController {

     * @var PostRepository
    protected $repository;

    public function __construct(PostRepository $repository){
        $this->repository = $repository;


Find all results in Repository

$posts = $this->repository->all();

Find all results in Repository with pagination

$posts = $this->repository->paginate($limit = 10);

Find by result by id

$post = $this->repository->find($id);

Find by result by field name

$posts = $this->repository->findWhere('country_id','15');

Find by result by field name and first row

$posts = $this->repository->findWhereFirst('country_id','15');

Create new entry in Repository

$post = $this->repository->create( Input::all() );

Update entry in Repository

$post = $this->repository->update( $id, Input::all() );

Delete entry in Repository


Create a Criteria

Using the command

php artisan make:criteria IsActive

Criteria are a way to change the repository of the query by applying specific conditions according to your needs. You can add multiple Criteria in your repository.

use Angkosal\Repository\Contracts\CriterionInterface;

class IsActive implements CriterionInterface {

    public function apply($model)
        return $model->where('active', true );

Using the Criteria in a Controller

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Repositories\Contracts\PostRepository;

class PostsController extends BaseController {

     * @var PostRepository
    protected $repository;

    public function __construct(PostRepository $repository){
        $this->repository = $repository;

    public function index()
        $posts = $this->repository
            ->withCriteria(new MyCriteria1(), new MyCriteria2())
