Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
AWS Polly bundle for Symfony apps
4 0
Doctrine cache invalidator.
73 1
Doctrine ORM Batch component
876 0
Integration of brick/money for Symfony apps.
65 0
Symfony bundle to manage your Odoo databases.
2 186 6
PHP project binaries for developers
684 0
PHP Excel encoder
50 530 9
php-oci8 installation binaries
9 0
Odoo API client
43 736 37
PHP Odoo Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL)
106 0
PHP object relational mapper (ORM) for Odoo databases.
2 222 1
PHP XML-RPC client
43 343 2
Symfony scripts to control app state.
57 0