
AdvCash component for Yii2 framework

dev-master 2016-07-24 05:28 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 20:00:39 UTC


Payment gateway and api client for AdvCash service.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yarcode/yii2-adv-cash

or add

"yarcode/yii2-adv-cash": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json.


Component configuration

Configure advCash component in the components section of your application.

'advCash' => [
    'class' => '\yarcode\advcash\Merchant'
    'accountEmail' => null,
    'merchantName' => null,
    'merchantPassword' => null,
    'walletNumber' => null,
    'sciCurrency' => \yarcode\advcash\Merchant::CURRENCY_USD,
    'sciCheckSign' => true,
    'sciDefaultPs' => null,
    'successUrl' => null,
    'failureUrl' => null,
    'resultUrl' => null,
    'successUrlMethod' => null,
    'failureUrlMethod' => null,
    'resultUrlMethod' => null


Redirecting to the payment system

To redirect user to AdvCash site you need to create the page with RedirectForm widget. User will redirected right after page load.

<?php echo \yarcode\advcash\RedirectForm::widget([
    'api' => Yii::$app->get('advCash'),
    'invoiceId' => $invoice->id,
    'amount' => $invoice->amount,
    'description' => $invoice->description,
]); ?>

Gateway controller

You will need to create controller that will handle result requests from AdvCash service. Sample controller code:


namespace yarcode\advcash\controllers;

use common\models\billing\Invoice;
use yarcode\advcash\actions\ResultAction;
use yarcode\advcash\events\GatewayEvent;
use yarcode\advcash\Merchant;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\helpers\VarDumper;
use yii\web\Controller;

class GatewayController extends Controller
    /** @inheritdoc */
    public $enableCsrfValidation = false;

    /** @var string Your component configuration name */
    public $componentName = 'advCash';

    /** @var Merchant */
    protected $component;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function init()

        $this->component = \Yii::$app->get($this->componentName);

        $this->component->on(GatewayEvent::EVENT_PAYMENT_REQUEST, [$this, 'handlePaymentRequest']);
        $this->component->on(GatewayEvent::EVENT_PAYMENT_SUCCESS, [$this, 'handlePaymentSuccess']);

    public function actions()
        return [
            'result' => [
                'class' => ResultAction::className(),
                'componentName' => $this->componentName,
                'redirectUrl' => ['/billing'],
            'success' => [
                'class' => ResultAction::className(),
                'componentName' => $this->componentName,
                'redirectUrl' => ['/billing'],
                'silent' => true,
            'failure' => [
                'class' => ResultAction::className(),
                'componentName' => $this->componentName,
                'redirectUrl' => ['/billing'],
                'silent' => true,

     * @param GatewayEvent $event
     * @return bool
    public function handlePaymentRequest($event)
        $invoice = Invoice::findOne(ArrayHelper::getValue($event->gatewayData, 'ac_order_id'));

        if (!$invoice instanceof Invoice ||
            $invoice->status != Invoice::STATUS_NEW ||
            ArrayHelper::getValue($event->gatewayData, 'ac_merchant_amount') != $invoice->amount ||
                'ac_transaction_status') != Merchant::TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMPLETED ||
            ArrayHelper::getValue($event->gatewayData, 'ac_sci_name') != $this->component->merchantName
        ) {

        $invoice->debugData = VarDumper::dumpAsString($event->gatewayData);
        $event->invoice = $invoice;
        $event->handled = true;

     * @param GatewayEvent $event
     * @return bool
    public function handlePaymentSuccess($event)
        /** @var Invoice $invoice */
        $invoice = $event->invoice;

        // TODO: invoice processing goes here


