
Temporary (disposable/throwaway) email detection library - Throwaway mail addresses are a plague, but one you don't have to worry about anymore.


After I had to realize that there is no good, fast and well maintained package for the detection of disposable mail addresses - I have now created one myself.

About 149k+ unique disposable mail providers are currently stored. Not a single address exists twice - No duplicates! PHP related there is no better performing package for validation. This is based on a simple isset check for the relevant mail part, which would be much faster than an in_array one - Particularly with such a large lookup/array. The advantage of isset compared to in_array is briefly explained as follows:

  • It uses an O(1) hash search on the key whereas in_array must check every value until it finds a match
  • Being an opcode, it has less overhead than calling the in_array built-in function

The advantages of this package are therefore obvious:

  • Outstanding performance
  • The package with presumably the most deposited disposable mail addresses
  • No dependencies to various other packages
  • Entirely free of charge

Get it via composer:

composer require andimg93/disposable-mail-detection



use AndreasMaximilianGerum\DisposableMailDetection\Verifier;

if (Verifier::isDisposableMail($emailToValidate)) {
    // It's a disposable mail address!
    // Throw exception or stop processing, nobody want fake mail providers.

// Else it is a proper mail address - Do what you want to do in this case.

Your help is wanted

Regarding the sources for all the fake mail providers, have a look at updater.php

If you can remember any other good source of fake mail providers, feel free to add them there and post a PR.

Should you know no other sources, but got fake mail providers that are still missing? Then please add them to the list in Just post a PR for it, I will look at it as soon as possible - Thanks for your help!

If a provider is not a disposable email provider, it can be excluded via the whitelist for the lookup generated subsequently!

To update the entire list, simply run the update script after your amendment. It works as follows:

php -n updater.php

After any change (Source/Blacklist/Whitelist) The Lookup has to be generated again, as just described.