
Simple PHP ORM Solution

dev-master 2015-07-12 00:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 15:50:24 UTC


#Cashew - Micro ORM Lightweight PHP ORM Solution. Supports only MySQL for now.

###Installation Run the following command within the root folder of your application

composer require "andela-cnnadi/micro-orm": "dev-master"

Or you can just add the package name "andela-cnnadi/micro-orm": "dev-master" as a dependency within your composer.json file.

###Getting Started To get started you need to configure your database connection. This can be done within the config folder in the package directory. There's a file called config.php which you can fill out with your database configuration information.

###Start Creating Models To create a model you need to create a new class that extends the Cashew class. Each separate model should extend this class. Recommended file structure is shown below. See example for more details. By Default, Cashew Micro-ORM makes use of plural conventions for table names.


class User extends Cashew {

// table name `users` will automatically be polled from the database.

class Animal extends Cashew {

// table name `animals` will automatically be polled from the database.
  - vendor
    - micro-orm
  - models
    - User.php
    - Phone.php
  - index.php

Models can then be required within the application as shown below

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
require 'models/User.php';
require 'models/Phone.php';

###Model Configuration options The $model variable within the Model class is used to store the field configuration of the model you are creating. It contains the field names as keys and field configurations as value. The field configuration contains key-value pairs of the various configuration options against the required values. The available configuration options include

  • type - Type of the field. Available options include int, text, varchar, smallint
  • null - (optional) True or False value indicating whether the field can be null or not respectively. Defaults to true if nothing is specified
  • size - Supports fields like varchar, int. Used to specify the maximum length of the field.

An example of a Model using the configuration options is shown below:


use Chidi\ORM\Cashew;

class User extends Cashew {
  protected $model = [
    'title' => [
      'type' => 'varchar',
      'length' => 255,
      'null' => false
    'content' => [
      'type' => 'text',
      'null' => false

####Model Methods

  • get - Fetches the result from a table based on an id. Example is shown below:
  // $id must be a number
  $user = User::get($id);