
PHP package for validating data against the structure defined

1.1 2022-12-06 16:01 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-26 03:04:52 UTC


PHP package for validating data against the structure defined.


$ composer require amsify42/php-typestruct

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Validation
  3. Data
  4. Class Validation
  5. Rules
  6. Custom Rules
  7. Complex Example

1. Introduction

The purpose of this php package is to make validation easy and the structure defined for validation should be readable. The data passed can be validated against the structure defined.

2. Validation

Let's say we have data in array format.

$data = [
    'id' => 42,
    'name' => 'amsify',
    'price' => 4.2

and we want this to be strictly validated. Now we can define the structure against which this data to be validated.

namespace App\TypeStruct;

export typestruct Simple {
    id: int,
    name: string,
    price: float

Notice that the structure we defined does not completely look like a PHP syntax but it will work as a structure against data.

$data = [
    'id' => 42,
    'name' => 'amsify',
    'price' => 4.2
$typeStruct = new Amsify42\TypeStruct\TypeStruct();
$result = $typeStruct->validate($data);

Note we are creating new instance of Amsify42\TypeStruct\TypeStruct, passing the full class name of typestruct App\TypeStruct\Simple and pasing data to validate() method.

The validate method will return with the info whether the data passed is validated against the structure and it will return

array(2) {
  array(0) {

The is_validated will have true or false based on whether data is validated or not and messages will have error messages in hierarchy based on elements which are not validated.

Helper method

We can also use helper method to get the Amsify42\TypeStruct\TypeStruct new instance.

 * If we have direct of the typestruct file
$typeStruct = get_typestruct('/path/to/Simple.php');
$result = $typeStruct->validate($data);
 * For class, we need to pass full class name and 2nd param as 'class'
$typeStruct = get_typestruct(App\TypeStruct\Simple::class, 'class');
$result = $typeStruct->validate($data);


Autoloading of the typestruct file will be done automatically if its name and path is based on psr-4 standards else you need to use setPath() method with typestruct instance which expects direct path of the typestruct file.


With Typestruct instance we can set these options before calling validate() method

 * To tell the typestruct that data we are passing is of type object(stdClass)
 * default is false
 * If true, it will validate and collect all error messages else it will get the first error and exit
 * Default is true
 * Default is empty string, you can either pass 'json' or 'xml' based on the type of data you are passing for validation.
 * Absolute path to the typestruct file
 * Full class name of typestruct file

3. Data

The data you can pass for validation are


As we have already seen the array example, lets see the examples for the rest


$data        = new \stdClass();
$data->id    = 42;
$data->name  = 'amsify';
$data->price = 4.2;    

$typeStruct = new Amsify42\TypeStruct\TypeStruct();
$result = $typeStruct->validate($data);

Note: We are passing true to method isDataObject() to tell TypeStruct that the data we are passing is of type Object(stdClass).


$jsonData = '{"id":42,"name":"amsify","price":4.2}';
$typeStruct = new TypeStruct();
$result = $typeStruct->validate($jsonData);


$xmlData = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <root> <id>42</id> <name>amsify</name> <price>4.2</price> </root>';
$typeStruct = new TypeStruct();
$result = $typeStruct->validate($xmlData);

Note: We are calling contentType() method to set its type for both Json and XML.

4. Class Validation

We can do the validation by creating class and extending it to the Amsify42\TypeStruct\Validator


namespace App\Validators;

use Amsify42\TypeStruct\Validator;

class Sample extends Validator
    protected $tsClass = \App\TypeStruct\Simple::class;

    protected $data = [
                        'id'    => 42,
                        'name'  => 'amsify',
                        'price' => 4.2

Since we already set TypeStruct class name and data in protected properties. We can create instance of this class directly and validate

$sample = new \Amsify42\Validators\Sample();
$result = $sample->validate();

You can also set the data before validating against the typestruct like this

$sample = new \Amsify42\Validators\Sample();
$sample->setData(['id' => 42, 'name' => 'amsify']);
$result = $sample->validate();

and we can also use these protected properties which extends Amsify42\TypeStruct\Validator

 * Instead of setting typestruct class name, we can also set direct path of that typestruct file
protected $tsPath;
 * This will decide whether validation will stop at first error itself or when completing all validation errors. Default is true
protected $validateFull;
 * You can set to json or xml, default is empty string
protected $contentType;
 * Tells the typestruct whether the data we setting/passing is of type Object(stdClass)
protected $isDataObject;

5. Rules


These are the basic types we can use for elements. It will check whether key exist and its type.

export typestruct Sample {
    id: int,
    name: string,
    price: float,
    points: numeric,
    is_active: boolean,
    is_public: tinyInt,
    items: array
    some: any

numeric work just like php is_numeric() method which allows numbers even in quotes. tinyInt expects the value to be either 0 or 1 and type any means that element value could be of any type.


To make the element optional, we simply prefix it with question mark ?

export typestruct Sample {
    id: int,
    name: string,
    email: ?string

Optional can also be applied to child dictionary

export typestruct Sample {
    id: int,
    name: string,
    email: ?string,
    details : ?{
        address: string,
        pincode: ?int


We can also set the limits to the length of these types like this

export typestruct Sample {
    id: int(5),
    name: string(20),
    price: float(5.2),
    is_active: boolean,
    items: [5]


These are the array types we can use

items: int[] 
items: string[]
items: float[]
items: numeric[]
items: boolean[]
items: tinyInt[]

External as Child

We can also use the other external TypeStruct file as a element

namespace App\TypeStruct;
export typestruct Category {
    id: int,
    name: string

Now we can use Category as type like this

namespace App\TypeStruct;
use App\TypeStruct\Category;
export typestruct Product {
    id: int,
    name: string,
    price: float,
    active: boolean,
    category: Category

or as array of this type

namespace App\TypeStruct;
use App\TypeStruct\Category;
export typestruct Product {
    id: int,
    name: string,
    price: float,
    active: boolean,
    categories: Category[]

More Rules

You can also attach more rules to the input like this

namespace App\TypeStruct;
export typestruct User {
    id: int,
    name: string,
    email: string<email>

As you can see, we have added rule email to the email element which will check for valid email address. You can add more rules to the element separated by dot . like this

namespace App\TypeStruct;
export typestruct User {
    id: int,
    url: string<url.checkHost>

These are the pre defined rules you can use

nonEmpty - Check for non empty value just like php method empty() checks
email - Check for valid email
url - Check if string is a valid url
date - Check if string is a valid date

6. Custom Rules

We can also write method to perform cutom validation but this can only be achieved when we create class and extends it to Amsify42\TypeStruct\Validator

namespace App\TypeStruct;

export typestruct Simple {
    id: int,
    name: string<checkName>,
    price: float

Now we can write method checkName in our validator class like this


namespace App\Validators;

use Amsify42\TypeStruct\Validator;
use App\TypeStruct\Simple;

class Sample extends Validator
    protected $tsClass = Simple::class;

    protected $data = [
                        'id'    => 42,
                        'name'  => 'amsify',
                        'price' => 4.2

    public function checkName()
        if($this->value() !== 'amsify')
            return 'Name should be amsify';
        return true;

We can use $this->name() to get the name of current element and $this->value() to get the value of the current element which is applicable to the rule. To get the other element value, we already have $this->data accessible from these custom rule methods.
If you want to access data from custom method more easily, you can also use the method $this->path() which will directly get the element from multi level path.

class Sample extends Validator
    protected $data = [
                        'id'    => 42,
                        'detail' => [
                            'more' => [
                                'location' => 'City'

    public function checkCustom()
        echo $this->path('detail.more.location'); /* It will print `City` */

Note: $this->path expects parameters to be key name separated by dot(if multiple keys) and will either return NULL(if key does not exist) or the target key value.

7. Complex Example

namespace App\TypeStruct;

use App\TypeStruct\User;

export typestruct Sample {
    name: string,
    email: string,
    is_test: tinyInt,
    id: int,
    address: {
        door: string,
        zip: int
    items: [],
    user : User,
    someEl: {
        key1: string,
        key2: int,
        key12: array,
        records: \App\TypeStruct\Record[],
        someChild: {
            key3: boolean,
            key4: float,
            someAgainChild: {
                key5: string,
                key6: float,
                key56: boolean[]

namespace App\TypeStruct;

export typestruct User {
    id: int,
    name: string,
    email: string<email>

namespace App\TypeStruct;

export typestruct Record {
    id: int,
    name: string

The above complex and multi level typestruct example file will be validated with the data:

    'name' => 'amsify',
    'is_test' => '1',
    'user' => [
        'id' => 1,
        'name' => 'some',
        'email' => ''
    'address' => [
        'door' => '12-3-534',
        'zip' => 600035
    'url' => '',
    'items' => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
    'someEl' => [
        'key1' => 'val1',
        'key2' => 2,
        'key12' => [1,2,12],
        'records' => [
                'id' => 1,
                'name' => 'r1'
                'id' => 2,
                'name' => 'r2'
        'someChild' => [
            'key3' => true,
            'key4' => 4.01,
            'someAgainChild' => [
                'key5' => 'val5',
                'key6' => 6.4,
                'key56' => [true,false,true]