
There is no license information available for the latest version (3.1.2) of this package.

With this module you can import prices, special prices (incl. start and endtime) and msrp from different products for different websites.

3.1.2 2022-04-27 08:09 UTC


Build Status

This modules handles:

  • Import of priceimport.csv by file, url or sftp


With this module you can import prices, special prices (incl. start and endtime) and msrp from different products for different websites.

A product can appear as often as desired in the list. The module selects the entry with the earliest end date. Thus several offers can be maintained in a list.


For installation use composer, modman or copy files manually.


"require": {
    "ambimax/magento-module-ambimax-priceimport": "^2.2.0"

Set configuration

Login into Admin-Panel.

Switch to System-> Configuration-> Catalog-> Price Import Options.

Enable module, set cronjob timer and choose file location.

Import by file

Type the absolute path of the file (incl. the file itself)

Import by url

Type the url of the destination file.

Import by sftp

All entries are needed.

SFTP File Path: file path on the host system (incl. the file itself).

SFTP Tmp File Path: file path on the target system. Started from the root path.

Import by AWS S3

Configure AWS settings und set locale path to save the file from S3 storage.


MIT License

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