
Wrapper for using the api from to validate a vat id.

v0.4.0 2020-12-18 15:21 UTC


Maintainability tests

Validating the vat id from another company is a requirement within the european union. This package validates the vat id + give you further information about the company behind the vat id. The CHANGELOG offers an overview ob the changes done by us.


composer require ambersive/vatvalidator

Optional: Publish the config

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=vat-validator


This package comes with a Facade so using this functionality if easy.

use VatValidator;

$result = VatValidator::check("ATU69434329");

The result is typed an will return you a VatCompany Class. This class offers you following methods:

$result->isValid(); // Returns a boolean value
$result->getName(); // Returns the company name
$result->getAddress(); // Returns the company address
$result->getCountry(); // Returns the Country code
$result->getNumber(); // Returns the TAX number.

Validation rule

This package also offers you a validation rule you there would be no need to do all that stuff manually.

$validator = Validator::make(['vatid' => 'ATU69434328'], [
    'vatid' => 'vat_eu'

Behind the scene

This package is using the CheckVat Service from the european union to check if a tax id is valid. It is a soap client, so make sure your server is ready for soap class.


Please feel free to give us feedback or any improvement suggestions.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to Manuel Pirker-Ihl via All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.