
Provide redirect information to CDNs.

2.2.7 2024-05-10 08:51 UTC


To be used with static websites, hosted on a CDN (e.g. Gatsby and Netlify). Solves two problems:

  1. Can resolve redirects that are not stored in CDN config, which is necessary, since Drupal's redirect module creates a redirect for each path change, which can be a lot. In that case, the redirect is resolved by rewriting the request to Drupal.
  2. Rewrite paths not know by the CDN, to client-side rendered pages. Useful for pages that should not be rendered statically.



  subgraph Drupal
      RedirectCheck{Drupal redirect exists?}
      EntityCheck{Drupal page exists?}
      RequestNotFound[Fetch 404 from CDN]
      RequestCSR[Fetch CSR template from CDN]

  subgraph CDN
      Request(User navigates to path)
      CDNCheck{Static page exists?}
      CDNDeliver{{Respond with static page}}
      CDNRedirect{{Respond with redirect from Drupal}}
      CDNRewrite{{Respond with content from Drupal}}

  CDNCheck -- no --> RedirectCheck
  RedirectCheck -- yes --> CDNRedirect
  RedirectCheck -- no --> EntityCheck
  Request --> CDNCheck
  CDNCheck -- yes --> CDNDeliver
  EntityCheck -- no --> RequestNotFound
  EntityCheck -- yes --> RequestCSR
  RequestNotFound ----> CDNRewrite
  RequestCSR ----> CDNRewrite

Drupal config

  • Patch Drupal with a patch from #2741939
  • Enable the module
  • Set the settings, for example:
    drush cset silverback_cdn_redirect.settings base_url
    drush cset silverback_cdn_redirect.settings 404_path /404
    drush cset silverback_cdn_redirect.settings should_prefix_404_path true

Gatsby config

  • Add gatsby-plugin-netlify package
  • Configure the catch-all redirect in createPages
      fromPath: '/*',
      toPath: ``,
      statusCode: 200,
    Note: statusCode: 200 is required to "hide" the request to backend from the browser.