
Alt Sitemap addon, create a sitemap from Statamic entries

v1.3.0 2025-02-19 13:08 UTC


Alt Sitemap is a Statamic addon for creating sitemaps to help search engines discover URLs on your site


  • Create basic sitemaps detailing and of all entries in your Statamic site.
  • Set priority of entire collections/taxonomies
  • Set priority of specific entries/terms
  • Exclude certain entries/terms from the sitemap.
  • Exclude entire collections/taxonomies from the sitemap.

How to Install

You can search for this addon in the Tools > Addons section of the Statamic control panel and click install, or run the following command from your project root:

composer require alt-design/alt-sitemap

How to Use

After installation, access your sitemap at /sitemap.xml

  • Set priorities for entire collections/taxonomies in CP > Tools > Alt Sitemap.
  • Exclude entire collections/taxonomies in CP > Tools > Alt Sitemap.
  • Set entry/term priorities in the entry/term under the Alt Sitemap tab. Entry priorities will override collection/taxonomy priorities.
  • Priorities are set as 0.5 by default.
  • Exclude entries/terms from the sitemap in the entry under the Alt Sitemap tab.
  • is set to the last updated date of the entry/term.

Manual Entries

Add a single, or multiple items to the sitemap, using code similar to the following in a service provider's boot() (e.g. AppServiceProvider) method.

Using registerItem() to register a single item.

    function ($altSitemapController) {

Using registerItems() to register multiple items at once.

     function ($altSitemapController) {
                     Carbon::create(2024,10,23,12,20,0, 'UTC'),
                     Carbon::create(2024,10,23,12,20,0, 'UTC'),

Questions etc

Drop us a big shout-out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We're always looking to improve our addons, so if you have any feature requests, we'd love to hear them.

Starter Kits



Send us a postcard from your hometown if you like this addon. We love getting mail from other cool peeps!

Alt Design
St Helens House