
This package enables you to add and define user roles and permission with ease

Installs: 15

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0



dev-main 2021-11-03 19:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:49:00 UTC


This package enables you to add and define user roles and permissions with ease

Installation :

Install the package through Composer.

Run the Composer require command from the Terminal:

   composer require alsa7err90/magic_role7
  • Open config/app.php and add this line to your Service Providers Array.

  • Open config/app.php and add this line to your Aliases:

    'ViewRoles' => alsa7err90\magic_role7\ViewRolesFacade::class,
  • Publish files with

    php artisan vendor:publish --all
  • Open app\User.php and add this methods to "class User":

     public function hasRole(... $roles) 
          foreach ($roles as $role) 
                if ($this->roles->contains('slug', $role)) 
                    return true;
         return false;
    public function roles()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Magrole::class);
    public function assignRole(Magrole $role)
        return $this->roles()->save($role);
  • to assign Role delault for user after register : open file "RegisterController.php" in foler "app/Http/Controllers/Auth" and edit function register from:

    this old code :
    return User::create([
          'name' => $data['name'],
          'email' => $data['email'],
          'password' => Hash::make($data['password']),
    to new code :
     use App\Magrole; // this before class RegisterController
      $user = User::create([
          'name' => $data['name'],
          'email' => $data['email'],
          'password' => Hash::make($data['password']),
      $role = Magrole::where('name', 'user')->first();
      return $user;

-Run the php artisan migrate command from the Terminal:

  php artisan migrate
  • open file .env and add the line don't forget to replace the email by email adminstrator:

useing :

-go to the link:

here you can add permission Manual or auto if you want to do that automatically just click button: auto_refresh_permission or if you want to add Manually you shold write first name class controller or any class you use after that write "_" after that write do as "show, store, save, ....." or any name you need :

          Ex:   show_PostController

-go to the link:

add role ex: admin, editor, user After add that click on "edit permissions" to add or remove permission this role -go to the link:

and add role to users

1- route:

    resource: mag_roles
    resource: mag_permissions
    resource: mag_users

as link:

    <a href=" {{ URL::to('mag_roles') }}" > roles </a> 

2 - controller:

To check if the user has permission to use this function:

     $magic_role = new MagicRole();
     $magic_role->chakeRole('nameController','do') ;

-nameController: name class controller ex: we have controller by name:

   use alsa7err90\magic_role7\MagicRole; 
   class PostController extends Component
      public function show ()
              $magic_role = new MagicRole();
              $magic_role->chakeRole('PostController ', 'show');

-do: if used auto_insert_permission this add 4 word you can be used:

   -show: use in function index and show ($ id)
   -update: use in function edit and update (Request $ request, $ id)
   -destroy1: use for softy delete
   -destroy2: use for delete
   -store: use in function create and store

use in blade

to get role of the user

   $role_user = ViewRoles::has_role();

this will return name role as "admin" or "editor" etc

to check if user have any role as "admin":

   $has_admin = ViewRoles::is_has_role("admin");

this will return true or false

to check if user have permission as "show_Controller" :


this will return true or false

example for check if he has permission to show links :

                <a href='" {{ URL::to('Post') }} Post </a>

if you do not want use the defualt route you can use blade directory inside any page in view :


just write anyone from this and will get a table or a form or both of them. if you want edit style this tables or forms go to folder vendor/alsa7err90/magic_role7/src/view and select any file you want to edit.