
Simple lib to work with json file easier using php, It's now supporting arabic lang & others.

dev-master 2024-05-12 20:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 20:09:10 UTC


The SimpleJson class is a powerful tool that allows you to work with JSON data as if it were a database. With features to read, search, update, and delete data within a JSON file, this class provides a flexible and efficient way to query and manage your JSON data.


  • Read Data: Retrieve all data stored in the JSON file.
  • Search Data: Filter data based on specified conditions and fetch matching results.
  • Update Data: Update existing data that meets certain conditions with new information.
  • Delete Data: Remove data entries that match specific conditions from the JSON file.

Getting Started

  1. Installation: Include the SimpleJson class in your PHP project.
  2. Initialization: Create an instance of the SimpleJson class by providing the path to your JSON file.
  3. Usage: Use the provided methods to interact with and manipulate your JSON data.


read(): array

  • Description: Retrieves all data stored in the JSON file.
  • Return Value: An array representing the JSON data.

search(array $conditions): array

  • Description: Filters data based on specified conditions and returns matching results.
  • Parameters:
    • $conditions (array): Associative array of key-value pairs representing the conditions to match.
  • Return Value: An array containing the matched data entries.

update(array $conditions, array $updatedData): bool

  • Description: Updates data that meets certain conditions with new information.
  • Parameters:
    • $conditions (array): Associative array of key-value pairs representing the conditions to match.
    • $updatedData (array): Associative array of key-value pairs containing the updated data.
  • Return Value: A boolean indicating if the data was successfully updated.

delete(array $conditions): bool

  • Description: Deletes data entries that match specific conditions from the JSON file.
  • Parameters:
    • $conditions (array): Associative array of key-value pairs representing the conditions to match.
  • Return Value: A boolean indicating if any data entries were deleted.

Example Usage

// Initialize SimpleJson with a JSON file path
$json = new SimpleJson('data.json');

// Search for data based on conditions
$searchResults = $json->search(['category' => 'books']);

// Update data entries based on conditions
$updated = $json->update(['id' => 1], ['price' => 25.99]);

// Delete data entries based on conditions
$deleted = $json->delete(['category' => 'electronics']);

Important Notes

  • Ensure that the JSON file path provided during initialization exists and is accessible.
  • Handle errors and edge cases appropriately to maintain data integrity.

The SimpleJson class simplifies the process of querying JSON data, providing a convenient solution for managing structured information. Explore the methods and unleash the power of JSON manipulation in your PHP projects.