
Laravel dynamic language switcher for web and api routes

v0.0.2 2024-03-07 18:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-24 10:48:08 UTC


Social Card of Language Switcher Package

Laravel dynamic language switcher

Latest Version Packagist Downloads (custom server) MIT Licensed


Laravel dynamic language switcher for both web and API routes with various supported options.


  • Switch user locale automatically and remind newly selected language for all next requests.
  • Support language switching via request body/query keys, request headers keys, and route parameters names.
  • Support API routes (Switch language via headers for stateless requests).
  • Support all HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT and ..etc).
  • SEO-friendly routes by supporting language switching depending on route parameters.
  • Everything is configurable with a rich and well-documented configuration file.


install via composer

composer require alkhatibdev/language-switcher

Publish Configs

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=language-switcher-config

A language-switcher.php config file will be published on your configs directory. Feel free to read and override all these configurable parts, or stick with the defaults configs


Basic Usage

Everything is set out of the box, start calling your routes with these supported options:

Via Request query/body keys

// Request query key/value

// Request magic keys

// Also you can use the same above parameters with the body of POST or PUT
curl -X POST
     -d '{"lang": "en"}'  

Via request headers keys

curl --header "Accept-Language: en"

Via route parameters

For given route: Route::get('/{locale}/home', [HomeController, 'home']);

- All previous examples will ask the package to switch locale to 'en'.
- Upcoming requests still remind this newly set locale.

Customize Package Scope

By default, the package middleware is assigned globally to all your routes. However, you can disable assign_globally from the package config file, and assign middleware alias to all routes and route groups manually.

Disable global assignment

// config/language-switcher.php

'assign_globally' => false,

Assign to route or route groups

// routes/web.php

// Assign to individual route
Route::get('/{locale}/home', [HomeController, 'home'])->middleware(['switchlocale']);

// Assign to route group
Route::->middleware(['switchlocale'])->group(function () {

Assign to middleware groups

// app/Http/kernel.php

protected $middlewareGroups = [
    'web' => [
        // ...

    'api' => [
        // ...

Disable Saving

By default, the package uses sessions to store the current locale, switched by a user, to keep the newly selected locale active for the next requests without a need to pass the locale in every request. However, if you want to stop this behavior, set enable_session to false.

// config/language-switcher.php

'enable_session' => false,


Language Switcher is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.