
nsfw detector php

v1.0.2 2022-06-21 13:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 18:22:37 UTC


NSFW (Not Safe for Work) Detector actually is a python script but its integrated with php


Python Installation

    pip install --upgrade TensorFlow
    pip install nsfw-detector

PHP Installation

    composer require alisoleimani/nsfw-detector


Basic Usage

$filePath = "path-to-file/file.png";
$data = NSFW::predict($filePath);

// data will be like 
// {'drawings': 0.0024894224479794502, 'hentai': 0.0009175422019325197, 'neutral': 0.9905469417572021, 'porn': 0.00509273586794734, 'sexy': 0.0009534107521176338}
// The higher these values, the more likely the photo is to be unsafe

Don`t Panic! You can use detect method for a boolean value then say image is safe or not

$filePath = "path-to-file/file.png";
$situation = NSFW::detect($filePath);

// if $sitation is true it means image is not safe and if its false image will be secure 
