
material dashboard for laravel

dev-main 2023-07-12 16:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 18:18:11 UTC


This package provides a Laravel integration for the popular Material Dashboard . It offers pre-built controllers, routes, public files (CSS, JS, images), and views to help you quickly set up an admin dashboard in your Laravel application.


composer require alisarwar/material-dashboard:dev-main


Once the package is installed and configured, you can access the Material Dashboard views by navigating to resources/views/admin in your Laravel application.

The package provides pre-built controllers and routes for handling various admin functionalities. You have admin.php file in routes folder you can either use this file or define them in your web.php and you have there corresponding function on controller app/Http/controllers/Admin. You can customize and extend these controllers as per your requirements.

The package's public files, including CSS, JS, and images, are located in the public/admin_theme directory. You can edit these assets to achieve the desired design and functionality.


If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.