
This package used for building Laravel RESTFUL API much easier.

v1.0.0 2022-02-22 23:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-23 04:45:12 UTC


This is a Laravel Package to build RESTFUL API much easier. This package supports Laravel 5.8+.

With this package you can build all the things needed for RESTFUL API with only one command. Such as Controller, Resource, Request, Model, Migration, Seeder, Factory, Route, Test and swagger. Moreover, you can delete it as well.

List of contents


Via Composer

$ composer require alirah/laravel-rest


If you are using Laravel 5.5 or higher than you don't need to add the provider and alias. (Skip to b)

a. In your config/app.php file add these two lines.

// In your providers array.
'providers' => [

// In your aliases array.
'aliases' => [
    'Rest' => Alirah\LaravelRest\Facade\Rest::class,

b. then run the command in below to publish config/laravel-rest.php file in your config directory :

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Alirah\LaravelRest\Provider\LaravelRestServiceProvider" --tag="config"

After running the command , you can set your desired configuration.

    // to use swagger you have to install darkaonline/l5-swagger
    'swagger' => false,
    'swagger_route_prefix' => 'api',

    'model' => true,
    'migration' => true,
    'factory_seeder' => true,
    'test' => true,

    'route' => true,
    // file in the routes' folder
    // if you have another folder in routes use this pattern: v1/api.php
    'route_path' => 'api.php'


In order to use Swagger, you need to follow these steps:

a. Run this command:

$ composer require darkaonline/l5-swagger

b. Next, publish config/views from Service Provider:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider "L5Swagger\L5SwaggerServiceProvider"

c. Copy the code in below then paste it to the top of the Controller class in App\Http\Controller\Controller :

 * @OA\Info (
 *      title="Laravel Rest Swagger",
 *      version="1.0.0",
 * )
 * @OA\Get(
 *     path="/",
 *     description="Home page",
 *     @OA\Response(response="200", description="Home Page")
 * )

At the end, your controller must be like this:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access\AuthorizesRequests;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesJobs;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Validation\ValidatesRequests;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController;

 * @OA\Info (
 *      title="Laravel Rest Swagger",
 *      version="1.0.0",
 * )
 * @OA\Get(
 *     path="/",
 *     description="Home page",
 *     @OA\Response(response="200", description="Home Page")
 * )

class Controller extends BaseController
    use AuthorizesRequests, DispatchesJobs, ValidatesRequests;

d. Turn swagger field to true in your config\laravel-rest.php:

    'swagger' => true,
    'swagger_route_prefix' => 'api',

e. To generate your swagger run:

$ php artisan l5-swagger:generate

By default, the swagger route is 'api/documentation' but you can change it in config/l5-swagger.php. To see the full documentation you can check


To get better results we suggest to use sqlite database for your tests. To use sqlite follow these steps:

a. First uncomment the DB_CONNECTION line in phpunit.xml in the root folder

        <env name="APP_ENV" value="testing"/>
        <env name="BCRYPT_ROUNDS" value="4"/>
        <env name="CACHE_DRIVER" value="array"/>
        <env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="sqlite"/>
<!--        <env name="DB_DATABASE" value=":memory:"/>-->
        <env name="MAIL_MAILER" value="array"/>
        <env name="QUEUE_CONNECTION" value="sync"/>
        <env name="SESSION_DRIVER" value="array"/>
        <env name="TELESCOPE_ENABLED" value="false"/>

b. Change the sqlite database path in config/database.php:

    'connections' => [

        'sqlite' => [
            'driver' => 'sqlite',
            'url' => env('DATABASE_URL'),
            'database' => database_path('database.sqlite'),
            'prefix' => '',
            'foreign_key_constraints' => env('DB_FOREIGN_KEYS', true),

c. Create a file database.sqlite in database folder

d. To run your tests run command:

$ php artisan test


$  .\vendor\bin\phpunit

How to use


To create a rest recourse, you should run:

$ php artisan rest:make ModelName

This Command create these files:

  • app\Models\ModelName.php
  • app\Controllers\ModelName\ModelNameController.php
  • app\Request\ModelName\StoreRequest.php
  • app\Request\ModelName\UpdateRequest.php
  • app\Resource\ModelName\ModelNameResource.php
  • database\migrations\...model_names.php
  • database\factories\ModelNameFactory.php
  • database\seeders\ModelNameSeeder.php
  • tests\Feature\ModelName\ModelNameTest.php
  • and add the line below in the end of ./routes/api.php
Route::apiResource('modelNames', \App\Http\Controllers\ModelName\ModelNameController::class);
  • You can change the api.php file in config.
  • For overriding a file with same name, it needs your permission in cmd.
  • You can use -F or --force flag to force it.


To delete a rest recourse, you should run:

$ php artisan rest:delete ModelName

This Command delete these files:

  • app\Models\ModelName.php
  • app\Controllers\ModelName\ModelNameController.php
  • app\Request\ModelName\StoreRequest.php
  • app\Request\ModelName\UpdateRequest.php
  • app\Resource\ModelName\ModelNameResource.php
  • database\migrations\...model_names.php
  • database\factories\ModelNameFactory.php
  • database\seeders\ModelNameSeeder.php
  • tests\Feature\ModelName\ModelNameTest.php
  • and remove the line below at the end of ./routes/api.php
Route::apiResource('modelNames', \App\Http\Controllers\ModelName\ModelNameController::class);
  • You can change the api.php file in config. For deleting every file, it needs your permission in cmd.
  • You can use -F or --force flag to force it.


For versioning you can put prefix for your swagger routes in your config:

    'swagger_route_prefix' => 'api',

Versioning Create

TO create version resource You can run:

$ php artisan rest:make V1\ModelName

This Command create these files:

  • app\Models\ModelName.php
  • app\Controllers\V1\ModelName\ModelNameController.php
  • app\Request\V1\ModelName\StoreRequest.php
  • app\Request\V1\ModelName\UpdateRequest.php
  • app\Resource\V1\ModelName\ModelNameResource.php
  • database\migrations\...model_names.php
  • database\factories\ModelNameFactory.php
  • database\seeders\ModelNameSeeder.php
  • tests\Feature\V1\ModelName\ModelNameTest.php

Versioning Delete

To delete a version resource You can run:

$ php artisan rest:delete V1\ModelName

This Command delete these files:

  • app\Models\ModelName.php
  • app\Controllers\V1\ModelName\ModelNameController.php
  • app\Request\V1\ModelName\StoreRequest.php
  • app\Request\V1\ModelName\UpdateRequest.php
  • app\Resource\V1\ModelName\ModelNameResource.php
  • database\migrations\...model_names.php
  • database\factories\ModelNameFactory.php
  • database\seeders\ModelNameSeeder.php
  • tests\Feature\V1\ModelName\ModelNameTest.php

Rest Facade

The Rest facade is used for return JsonResource in controller.

     * @return JsonResponse
    public function index(): JsonResponse
        $users = User::paginate(20);
        return Rest::ok(UserResource::collection($users));

Available methods for Rest facade:

  • ok($data): return $data with 200 status code
  • accepted($data): return $data with 202 status code
  • badRequest($data): return $data with 400 status code
  • unauthorized($data): return $data with 401 status code
  • forbidden($data): return $data with 403 status code
  • notFound($data): return $data with 404 status code
  • error($data): return $data with 500 status code
  • custom($data, $statusCode): return $data with $statusCode status code

The $data should be Laravel resource or an array


When enable swagger and run php artisan rest:make Blog this is the result:

  • After fill all the required(TODO) fields you can run php artisan test for testing and php artisan l5-swagger:generate for generating swagger
  • If you have not changed the default route in config/l5-swagger.php, you can visit the Swagger output in 'api/documentation'



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Blog extends Model
    use HasFactory;

    protected $guarded = [



namespace App\Http\Controllers\Blog;

use Alirah\LaravelRest\Facade\Rest;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Http\Request\Blog\StoreRequest;
use App\Http\Request\Blog\UpdateRequest;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use App\Models\Blog;
use App\Http\Resource\Blog\BlogResource;

class BlogController extends Controller

     * @OA\Get(
     *      path="/api/blogs",
     *      operationId="getBlogsList",
     *      tags={"Blogs"},
     *      summary="Get list of blogs",
     *      description="Returns list of blogs",
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=200,
     *          description="Successful operation",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *       ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=401,
     *          description="Unauthenticated",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=403,
     *          description="Forbidden",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      )
     *     )
    public function index(): JsonResponse
        $blogs = Blog::paginate(20);
        // TODO handle query
        return Rest::ok(BlogResource::collection($blogs));

     * @OA\Post(
     *      path="/api/blogs",
     *      operationId="storeBlog",
     *      tags={"Blogs"},
     *      summary="Store new blog",
     *      description="Returns blog data",
     *      @OA\RequestBody(
     *          required=true,
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=202,
     *          description="Successful operation",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *       ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=400,
     *          description="Bad Request",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=401,
     *          description="Unauthenticated",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=403,
     *          description="Forbidden",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      )
     * )
    public function store(StoreRequest $request): JsonResponse
        $item = Blog::create($request->validated());

        return Rest::accepted(new BlogResource($item));

     * @OA\Get(
     *      path="/api/blogs/{id}",
     *      operationId="getBlogById",
     *      tags={"Blogs"},
     *      summary="Get blog information",
     *      description="Returns blog data",
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="id",
     *          description="Blog id",
     *          required=true,
     *          in="path",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer"
     *          )
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=200,
     *          description="Successful operation",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *       ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=400,
     *          description="Bad Request",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=401,
     *          description="Unauthenticated",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=403,
     *          description="Forbidden",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=404,
     *          description="Blog Not Found",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      )
     * )
    public function show(Blog $blog): JsonResponse
        // you can load relationships by using
        // $blog->load('relation-1', 'relation-2');

        return Rest::ok(new BlogResource($blog));

     * @OA\Put(
     *      path="/api/blogs/{id}",
     *      operationId="updateBlog",
     *      tags={"Blogs"},
     *      summary="Update existing blog",
     *      description="Returns updated blog data",
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="id",
     *          description="Blog id",
     *          required=true,
     *          in="path",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer"
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\RequestBody(
     *          required=true,
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=202,
     *          description="Successful operation",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *       ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=400,
     *          description="Bad Request",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=401,
     *          description="Unauthenticated",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=403,
     *          description="Forbidden",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=404,
     *          description="Blog Not Found",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      )
     * )
    public function update(UpdateRequest $request, Blog $blog): JsonResponse
        // TODO handle updated fields

        return Rest::accepted(new BlogResource($blog));

     * @OA\Delete(
     *      path="/api/blogs/{id}",
     *      operationId="deleteBlog",
     *      tags={"Blogs"},
     *      summary="Delete existing blog",
     *      description="Deletes a record and returns no content",
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="id",
     *          description="Blog id",
     *          required=true,
     *          in="path",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer"
     *          )
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=202,
     *          description="Successful operation",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *       ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=401,
     *          description="Unauthenticated",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=403,
     *          description="Forbidden",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=404,
     *          description="Blog Not Found",
     *     @OA\JsonContent
     *      )
     * )
    public function destroy(Blog $blog): JsonResponse

        return Rest::accepted([
            'message' => 'blog deleted successfully'



namespace App\Http\Request\Blog;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;

class StoreRequest extends FormRequest
     * Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
     * @return bool
    public function authorize(): bool
        return true;

    protected function prepareForValidation()

     * Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
     * @return array
    public function rules(): array
        // TODO validation
        return [



namespace App\Http\Request\Blog;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;

class UpdateRequest extends FormRequest
     * Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
     * @return bool
    public function authorize(): bool
        return true;

    protected function prepareForValidation()

     * Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
     * @return array
    public function rules(): array
        // TODO validation
        return [



namespace App\Http\Resource\Blog;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;
use JsonSerializable;

class BlogResource extends JsonResource
     * Transform the resource into an array.
     * @param  Request  $request
     * @return array|Arrayable|JsonSerializable
    public function toArray($request): array|JsonSerializable|Arrayable
        // TODO return Blog fields
        return [
            'id' => $this->id,
            // your fields
            'createdAt' => $this->created_at



 use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
 use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
 use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

 return new class extends Migration
      * Run the migrations.
      * @return void
     public function up()
          if (!Schema::hasTable('blogs')) {
             Schema::create('blogs', function (Blueprint $table) {
                 // TODO table fields

      * Reverse the migrations.
      * @return void
     public function down()



namespace Database\Factories;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory;

 * @extends Factory
class BlogFactory extends Factory
     * Define the model's default state.
     * @return array
    public function definition(): array
        // TODO factory fields
        return [
            // for example: 'title' => $this->faker->sentence(1),



namespace Database\Seeders;

use App\Models\Blog;
use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;

class BlogSeeder extends Seeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function run()
        // TODO handle factory
        // TODO you should add it to DatabaseSeeder
        // for example:
        // public function run()
        //    {
        //        $this->call([
        //            BlogSeeder::class
        //        ]);
        //    }



namespace Tests\Feature\Blog;

use App\Models\Blog;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithFaker;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Tests\TestCase;

class BlogTest extends TestCase
    use RefreshDatabase;

    protected array $dataStruct;
    protected array $testData;
    protected Blog $blog;

    public function setUp(): void

        $this->dataStruct = [
            // TODO Enter fields that return from BlogResource
            // e.g title

        $this->testData = [
            // TODO Enter test data for store and update methods
            // e.g 'title' => 'title'

        $this->blog = Blog::inRandomOrder()->first();

    public function test_index()
        $response = $this->json('get', '/api/blogs');

                'data' => [

    public function test_store()
        $response = $this->json('post', '/api/blogs', $this->testData);

                'data' => $this->dataStruct
                'data' => $this->testData

    public function test_show()
        $response = $this->json('get', "/api/blogs/{$this->blog->id}");

                'data' => $this->dataStruct

    public function test_update()
        $response = $this->json('put', "/api/blogs/{$this->blog->id}", $this->testData);

                'data' => $this->dataStruct
                'data' => $this->testData

    public function test_delete()
        $response = $this->json('delete', "/api/blogs/{$this->blog->id}");




use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::apiResource('blogs', \App\Http\Controllers\Blog\BlogController::class);

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has been changed recently.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.