
Automatically run your artisan commands

v1.0.3 2023-08-07 06:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 11:24:08 UTC


👑 What's Command Manager?

it's a laravel package that help you to running chain of commands with call just single artisan command.

it's very useful for automation flow of normalizing data and other stuff needs to run command after any new deploy as easy as adding php artisan command_manager:execute command into your CI/CD pipelines.

⬇️ Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require alighorbani1381/command-manager

Then you must run migrations to command manager add the tables that it needs to work with.

php artisan migrate

You may also publish config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Alighorbani\CommandManager\CommandManagerServiceProvider"

After running above command you can find file in your config folder command-manager.php

in this files array exist that you can add your command in the commands key inside it

🚀 Usage

To run command automatically we have 3 steps that must be doing if you don't do one of these steps commands manager throw an exception!

1- First you must make your command, and extended from AutomaticCommand if you don't extend Automatic Command see the exception when commands run


namespace App\Console\Command;

use Alighorbani/CommandManager/AutomaticComand;

class MyCommand exnteds AutomaticCommand
    protected $signature = 'my:command';
    protected $description = 'My command to normalize data';
    protected function handle()
        // functionality implemented here 

2- Register your command in the laravel console kernel! it's very important because if you don't register your command in kernel laravels can't find this command to run it!


namespace App\Console;

use App\Console\Command\MyCommand;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel as ConsoleKernel;

class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
    protected $commands = [
        MyCommand::class // 👈️👈️👈️ Add This

3- Add your command into commands list that called automatically by command manager.


use App\Console\Command\MyCommand;

return [
    // config here
    // another config here
    'commands' => [
        MyCommand::class, // 👈️👈️👈️ Add This

Tada 🎉 your job is finished!

Now You can use the below actions to run command or managing it

To check your command is successfully registered on command manager you can run php artisan command_manager:status command it's check the registration of command and if your registration has problem throw the exceptions that you fix it

💎 Commands

php artisan command_manager:status

This command Showing Status of Commands in the table that you can see which commands pend to run and which commands already run before, it's similar php artisan migrate:status command.

php artisan command_manager:execute

This command Executing Commands that you register in the commands key in array config file.

php artisan command_manager:reset

if you need to reset your command manager (remove all the history of running command and detect all commands as a new command) you can run this command.

⚠️ Warning: if you run this command its remove all the history of running command in your system, command manager detect all the commands in the list of config file.

💡 Automatic Command Features

In this version of package we have 2 simple feature that allows you to manage command with more control.

  • Maintenance mode
  • Versioning

😴💻️ Maintenance mode

Sometimes we have a command that will be applied special changes that need to turn off any database modification operation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) and for this reason we must put system in Maintenance mode that we define in our system.

to use this feature you should follow these steps

1- Register Maintenance Mode

in config/command-manager.php

return [

    //  here 👇️
    'maintenance-mode' => [
        'on' => fn() => 'turn on',
        'off' => fn() => 'turn off'


you add your functionality of turning on/off maintenance mode as a callable closure or array!

2- Activating on your command


namespace App\Console\Command;

use Alighorbani/CommandManager/AutomaticComand;

class MyCommand exnteds AutomaticCommand
    protected $signature = 'my:command';
    protected $description = 'My command to normalize data';
    protected bool $maintenanceMode = true; // 👈️ add this
    protected function handle()
        // functionality implemented here 

all sets done ✅ your command will be run in maintenance mode!

📚️ Versioning

Sometimes you register command and run it with command manager, after a while you need to run again this command (after bug fixed or improve command logic) but command manager don't detect this command as a new command in this situation you should use versioning feature that command manager supported!

to add version you must use semantic versioning if you don't know about version please read below link 👇️👇️


be default all of new command has version 1.0.0 if you need to run again as a new version it's easy as overwrite property in your command class.

⚠️ to set new version please add a verison that number bigger than the newest version that already run before!


namespace App\Console\Command;

use Alighorbani/CommandManager/AutomaticComand;

class MyCommand exnteds AutomaticCommand
    protected $signature = 'my:command';
    protected $description = 'My command to normalize data';
    protected string $version = '1.0.1'; // 👈️ chagen from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
    protected function handle()
        // functionality implemented here 

⚠️ Don't Change Signature of your command because command manager detect commands from their signature and if you change it Command manager detect command as a new command even if ran before

❌ Exceptions

Command Manager has a some exceptions that you may see it when running one of these commands

php artisan command_manager:status

php artisan command_manager:execute



🏁 A little view of Product Backlog

  • Showing chain of commands that run in the status list.
  • Showing the execution time of command that Ran.
  • Adding filters into command_manager:status to filter custom status.
  • Ability of running command that failed in the last Ran.
  • Add command command_manager:purge to purge useless command from project