
Access control for laminas

1.0.0 2020-06-28 21:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 05:34:22 UTC


Build Status codecov

This module is aimed at providing a simple interface that can run queries againt an access control list pertaining an application's controller or a controller's action as a the target resource. This is should not be used directly, use

Interfaces and implementations

The base interface for an AccessControlList is AccessControlListInterface that provides 3 methods:

  • identityHasPermission(identity, permission)
  • identityHasRole(identity, role)
  • getAccessStatus(identity, resourceIdentifier)

An access status, Status, is the result of consulting the underlying ListAdapterInterface and ResourceManagerInterface. Multiple status codes exists:

  • Unauthorized, Status::UNAUTHORIZED: The given identity is not authorized, i.e. does not have specified permission or role for the controller/action.
  • Unauthenticated, Status::UNAUTHENTICATED: The given identity is null and, therefore, is invalid. This implies that the identity "null" is unauthenticated. This is practically a short-circuit between alichry/laminas-authorization and alichry/laminas-accesscontrol since the passed identity is null, and is usually retrieved from an AuthenticationService from laminas/laminas-autthentication.
  • Rejected, Status::REJECTED: If controller/action has "reject all", or inferred policy is "reject all"
  • Public, Status::PUBLIC: Publicly accessible, no need for authentication or authorization
  • Ok, Status::OK: The given identity is authorized but not necessarily authenticated, i.e. given identity does have specified permission or role for the controller/action. This does not imply if the user is authenticated. Checking if authenticated is the purpose of alichry/laminas-authorization


ArrayAccessControlList relies on passed list of identities, permissions, roles and controllers access levels to infer access statuses.

There exists 2 modes:

  • Strict, ArrayListAdapter::MODE_STRICT mode: All identities must be defined in the list, a referenced identity that is not defined will result in an exception thrown. A referenced identity role must be also defined in the roles list. Referenced permisions in identity list should be also included in the permission list. An exception will be thrown if an entry is missing.
  • Chill, ArrayListAdapter::MODE_CHILL mode: Some identities can be omitted from the configuration, this will lead ArrayAccessControlList to assume that the omitted identity has no permissions at all. No exception will be thrown if a permission is referenced in the identity list but not in the permission list.

Policies deal with the default access level for missing entries in the resources list

  • Reject: if the target resource is not found, then reject all requests.
  • Authenticate: if the target resource is not found, then assume it requires authentication.
  • Accept: if the target resource is not found, then assume it is publicly accessible.



use AliChry\Laminas\AccessControl\ArrayAccessControlList as ACL;
use AliChry\Laminas\AccessControl\Lists\ArrayListAdapter as LA;
use AliChry\Laminas\AccessControl\Resource\ResourceIdentifier;

$controllers = [
    TestController::class => ACL::ACCESS_ALL,
    TestAuthController::class => ACL::ACCESS_AUTHENTICATED_ONLY,
    TestMultipleController::class => [
        // methods
        'getAction' => ACL::ACCESS_ALL,
        'disable' => ACL::ACCESS_REJECT_ALL,
        'admin' => ACL::role('admin'),
        'editAction' => ACL::permission('edit')
$identities = [
    '' => [
        'roles' => [
        'permissions' => []
$roles = [
    'admin' => [
$permissions = [

$acl = new ACL(

$unauthStatus = $acl->getAccessStatus(
    new ResourceIdentifier(

echo 'Code: ' . $unauthStatus->getCode() . PHP_EOL; // Code: -3 (UNAUTHORIZED)
echo 'Identity: ' . $unauthStatus->getIdentity() . PHP_EOL; // Identity:
echo 'Messages: ' . implode(', ', $unauthStatus->getMessages()) . PHP_EOL; // Identity "" requires perm:edit

$okStatus = $acl->getAccessStatus(
    new ResourceIdentifier(

echo 'Code: ' . $okStatus->getCode() . PHP_EOL; // Code: 1 (OK)
echo 'Identity: ' . $okStatus->getIdentity() . PHP_EOL; // Identity:
echo 'Messages: ' . implode(', ', $okStatus->getMessages()) . PHP_EOL; //


IdentityAccessControlList is not concerned with arrays to infer access statuses. It depends on an instance of ResourceManagerInterface and passed identities should be an instance of IdentityInteface.

The passed resource manager will provide the policy (access level) of each resource (controller/action). If a resource requires authentication or authorization, we check by calling the implemented methods hasPermission or hasRole of the passed IdentityInterface instance.

This is helpful in an ORM environment, such as Doctrine ORM. After creating the Identity or User entity type, all is left is also implementing the methods hasRole and hasPermission which can be inferred by consulting other ORM entity types or by providing your custom implementation.


AccessControlList is a generic ACL that depends on instances of ResourceManager and ListAdapterInterface. Only one implementation of ListAdapterInterface exists, ArrayListAdapter, which is utilized by ArrayAccessControlList


You can define access control lists, adapters and resource managers under alichry.access_control.list, alichry.access_control.list_adapter and alicherry.access_control.resource_manager respectively. See config/modules.config.php. Each service entry should consist of name as the key mapped to either a service, typically a FQCN, or an array consisting of the following keys:

  • service: the service that is registered with service manager
  • options: an array that will be passed to the corresponding factory of the referenced service

Please note that the referenced service names should have a registered corresponding factory with the service manager.

The registered services will also be retrievable from the service manager using:

  • alichry.access_control.list.$key
  • alichry.access_control.list_adapter.$key
  • alichry.access_control.resource_manager.$key

This allows you to provide factory build options from the configuration to the corresponding instance factory, and in turn the returned instance will be cached by the service manager.