
GoogleMaps integration to PHP / Nette framework

1.0.4 2019-06-25 13:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-26 01:40:55 UTC


How to install

Add this to composer.json file

aliamjid/google-map": "dev-master

You also need to add JavaScript file to your website. you will find it in


How it can look like?

enter image description here

Example of full nette Component

use aliamjid\GoogleMap\GoogleMap;  
use aliamjid\GoogleMap\Objects\Config;  
use aliamjid\GoogleMap\Objects\DropMarkerIcon;  
use aliamjid\GoogleMap\Objects\Point;
.... use .... 
class CustomerMap extends GoogleMap {  
  private $idCustomer;  
  private $addressMapper;  
  public function __construct(  
 Container $container,  
 AddressMapper $addressMapper) {  
  $params = $container->getParameters();  
  //You need to construct parent with you Google Api Key
  //Inject your other deps. 
  $this->addressMapper = $addressMapper;  
  public function defineConfig() {  
  //You can also define config of, or can leave it empty
  $config = new Config();  
  $config->showFilters = false;  
  public function defineFilters() {  
  //Here you can define filters
  //1st you need to create aliamjid\GoogleMap\Objects\Group
  $typeFilter = new Group('Address type');  
  //Than you can add filter to group
	  'Delivery addresses',  
	//in finel step you need to register Group 
 //In this method you need to define Points
 //This method is called by ajax from javascript, so its async cause of improovement of map performence
  public function definePoints() {  
 //Get your data from database
  $defaultAddress = $this->addressMapper->loadOneByCond(array('id_customer' => $this->idCustomer, 'type' => AddressType::DEFAULT_ADDRESS));  
  $deliveryAddress = $this->addressMapper->loadOneByCond(array('id_customer' => $this->idCustomer, 'type' => AddressType::DELIVERY_ADDRESS));  
  try {  
 //we call our custome method
 } catch (Exception $e) {  
 } }  
//We create a custome method for adding address 
  private function addPointForAddress(Address $address) {
  //You need to define point 
  //Look to aliamjid\objects\Point class for more   
  $point = new Point(  
  //Cords, of point
  //DropMarkericon si clasic Google Map icon, you can define its color, and latter laso

  //Color is in Hex withou # symbol
  new DropMarkerIcon(),  
  $address->street . " " . $address->city . " " . $address->zip,  
  'This is' . AddressType::translate($address->type)  
 //Now you can data relation to point, for filtering the point
 //1st param os Key thats the "address_type" which we define in filter
 //2nd is Value if key in our case it can be delivery or default
 //Now if the user will turn on "delivery" filter, just point with value of delivery will show up.
  //In end you need to register point

  public function setCustomer($idCustomer) {  
  $this->idCustomer = $idCustomer;  

Now we can create Component in presenter

public function createComponentCustomerMap() {  
  return $this->customerMap;  

And than you just render it template

{control customerMap}

And your map is ready.

Description of methods & classes

After you extend you class by aliamjid\GoogleMap\GoogleMap you need to define 3 compulsory methods

  • DefineConfig()
  • DefinePoints()
  • DefineFilters()

Define config

This method isnt that important you can leave it empty. But its for defining of basic map configuration. You can set map height, or you can hide filters, if you dont need them.


public function defineConfig() {  
  $config = new Config();  
  $config->showFilters = false;  
  $config->mapHeight = 600;
  //You need to set config

Define points

This is important one. You are defining points on map here. You need to give an lat & lng to point, give a icon and define description of point

So you start by creating an Point. You will do it like this

$point = new vendor/aliamjid/google-
$name, $lat, $lng, $icon, $nameRedirect = '',$address,$additonalComment = ''

$lat & $lng are Cords of point

enter image description here

How to set icons color and symbol ? You can use pre-created class


$icon = new DropMarkerIcon($symbol,$color);

If you would like to create own icon you can do it like this:

class MyCustomeIcon extends aliamjid\GoogleMap\Objects\Icon {  

public $src;  
public function __construct() {  
$this->src = "link/to/icon.png";  