
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

This Laravel package provides a simple solution for email verification.

v1.0.3 2018-05-15 06:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 03:38:21 UTC


This Laravel package provides a simple solution for email verification.


  • Laravel 5.3+


Email is not verified

Verification Mail

Verification failed

Email is verified


It is recommended to install this package in a fresh installation of Laravel.

Laravel's built-in Auth System

This package is integrated with Laravel's built-in Auth System, so you must first run this command if you have not run it yet:

php artisan make:auth

Now go to your (env) file and make sure that you have selected your database.

Install the package using composer

Now install the package using composer by running the following command:

composer require aliabdulaziz/laravel-email-verification

Add the service provider (for Laravel < 5.5)

Go to: (Your Laravel App) --> config --> app.php

and add the following line under 'Package Service Providers' comment:


Publish the config file

Run the following command to publish the package config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aliabdulaziz\LaravelEmailVerification\LaravelEmailVerificationServiceProvider" --tag=config

The config file is named (laravelemailverification.php) and will be located in the 'config' folder.


Run the artisan migrate command to create the users table:

this command will also migrate the package migration file by which the email_verification field is added to the users table.

php artisan migrate

Config Mail Driver

go to your (env) file and make sure that you have configured your mail driver.


Go to: (Your Laravel App) --> app --> Http --> Kernal.php

and add the following middleware to the $routeMiddleware array:

'verifyEmail' => \Aliabdulaziz\LaravelEmailVerification\Middleware\VerifyEmail::class,

Now you can use this middleware on the routes that you want to prevent from being accessed by the users who did not verify their emails.


Route::middleware(['web', 'auth', 'verifyEmail'])->group(function () {

	// Only users with verified emails can access this route
	Route::get('verified-email', function () {
		echo "Your email is verified!";



To customize the package default views publish them to your views folder by running the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aliabdulaziz\LaravelEmailVerification\LaravelEmailVerificationServiceProvider" --tag=views

Now make whatever customization you want on the published views.