
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

PHP package defining a unified interface for interacting with cryptocurrency exchanges

1.0.20 2018-05-22 13:08 UTC


PHP package defining a unified interface for interacting with cryptocurrency exchanges

Sample Usage

Connecting to an exchange

$kraken = new Kraken('mykey', 'mysecret');
// get currency pairs
$krakenPairs = $kraken->supportedCurrencyPairs();

foreach ($krakenPairs as $pair) {
  // get mkt data
  $tickerData = $kraken->ticker($pair);

  // buy anything less than 1000
  if ($tickerData->ask < 1000.0) {
    $kraken->buy($pair, 1.0, $tickerData->ask);

Connecting to multiple exchanges



Composer is required to fetch and use the dependencies. After cloning the repo, run:

$ composer install

ConfigData.php initial setup

The CryptoMarket package is configured using the "ConfigData" class, to be defined in the top-level "tests/" directory. "ConfigDataExample.php" is provided as a template, which only allows access to public exchange APIs. To setup the basic ConfigData, run:

$ cp tests/ConfigDataExample.php tests/ConfigData.php
$ sed -i "s#ConfigDataExample#ConfigData#" tests/ConfigData.php
$ composer dumpautoload

Note: For safety, ConfigData.php is in .gitignore, so your API keys will not be accidentally checked in.

Test setup

From there, run the smoke tests from the top directory to ensure proper setup:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/SmokeTest.php

Exchange API Keys

In order to use private exchange APIs such as "buy" and "sell", CryptoMarket needs API keys for each exchange.

Using Exchange classes in your code

To create Exchange instances with API key info, first create an instance of IAccountLoader and then use its "getAccounts" function, providing an array of "Record::ExchangeName". The exchanges currently supported are:

  • Bitfinex
  • Bitstamp
  • GDAX
  • Gemini
  • Kraken
  • Poloniex
  • Wex
  • Yunbi (RIP)

IAccountLoader Implementations

Currently, there are two implementations of IAccountLoader:

  • ConfigAccountLoader -- stored in plaintext file
  • MongoAccountLoader -- stored in mongodb collection

Using ConfigAccountLoader

  • Add keys, secrets, and additional information to the ACCOUNTS_CONFIG section in tests/ConfigData.php for desired exchanges, e.g.
class ConfigData {
    'Kraken'=> [
      'key' => 'mykey',
    'secret' => 'mysecret'
  • Instantiate ConfigAccountLoader with ConfigData::ACCOUNTS_CONFIG and call "getAccounts"
$accountLoader =
new ConfigAccountLoader(ConfigData::ACCOUNTS_CONFIG);
$allExchanges = $accountLoader->getAccounts();

$kraken = $allExchanges[ExchangeName::Kraken]; // get one

foreach ($allExchanges as $exchange) { // all exchanges
  $btcusd = $exchange->ticker(CurrencyPair::BTCUSD);
  // do stuff with BTCUSD

Using MongoAccountLoader

  • Add MONGODB_URI and MONGODB_NAME to tests/ConfigData.php
  • Add entries to the "servers" collection using the following document format:
  'ServerName': 'xxxxxxxx', // any user-defined name, used to construct MongoAccountLoader
  'ExchangeSettings': [
      'Name': 'SomeExchangeName', // see Record::ExchangeName for supported names
      'Settings': { // all key->value pairs to be passed into Exchange, e.g:
        'key': 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
        'secret': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    // all other exchanges follow
  • Instantiate MongoAccountLoader with the following:
    • ConfigData::MONGODB_URI
    • ConfigData::MONGODB_DBNAME
    • ConfigData::ACCOUNTS_CONFIG
    • "ServerName" specified in the previous step
  • Call "getAccounts"

Running tests

All tests already include /vendor/autoload.php, so tests can be run using phpunit found in the vendor directory, e.g.:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/exchange/BitfinexTest.php

Docker container

A Docker container is provided on the tag joncinque/cryptomarket. Sample command to run a test file:

$ docker run --entrypoint /dockervolume/vendor/bin/phpunit \
    -v /myvolume/:/dockervolume -it joncinque/cryptomarket \
    --include-path /dockervolume /dockervolume/tests/SmokeTest.php

Code Contributions

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