
Userspace PDO driver for Oracle via the PHP OCI8 driver

0.2.15 2014-08-22 01:47 UTC


PDO Userspace Driver for Oracle (oci8)

###PDO via Oci8

The alfmel/pdo-via-oci8 package is a simple userspace driver for PDO that uses the tried and tested OCI8 functions instead of using the still experimental and not all that functional PDO_OCI library.

This fork from yajra/laravel-pdo-via-oci8 restores full DSN support (previously removed to fit better within Laravel) making the project fully portable to any installation. This fork also includes improved class names and error handling for strict error reporting configurations.

Please report any bugs you may find.


Add alfmel/pdo-via-oci8 as a requirement to composer.json:

    "require": {
        "alfmel/pdo-via-oci8": "*"

And then run composer update

Note: lastInsertId function returns the current value of the sequence related to the table where record is inserted. The sequence name should follow this format {$table}.'_'.{$column}.'_seq' for it to work properly.


Using the userspace PDO driver is easy. Simply instantiate the alfmel\OCI8\PDO class instead of the PDO class in PHP. Then use the PDO object as you would any other PDO object:

$pdo = new alfmel\OCI8\PDO($dsn, $username, $password);
$statement = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE");
$result_set = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


Special thanks to the two projects that started it all:

And thanks to all the contributors to these projects. Your work is truly appreciated!