Alexya's Logger

3.0.5 2017-06-05 14:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-04 21:14:08 UTC


Alexya's logger componets


Abstract logger

\Alexya\Logger\AbstractLogger is the base class for all different loggers available. It is the class that checks which messages can be logged and formats them.

Its constructor accepts the following parameters:

  • A string being the format that each log message will have.
  • An array with the log levels that the logger can log.

The string parameter can contain placeholders for formatting the message, this are the available placeholders:

  • {YEAR}, current year.
  • {MONTH}, current month.
  • {DAY}, current day.
  • {HOUR}, current hour.
  • {MINUTE}, current minute.
  • {SECOND}, current second.
  • {SERVER_NAME}, server's name (localhost,
  • {CALLING_FUNCTION}, the function that called the logger.
  • {CALLING_FILE}, the file that called the logger.
  • {CALLING_LINE}, the line that called the logger.
  • {CALLING_CLASS}, the class that called the logger.
  • {CALLING_TYPE}, -> if the logger was called by an object, :: if it was called statically.
  • {LEVEL}, the level on which the log has been called.
  • {LOG}, the string to log.

If the string is empty the logger will use [{HOUR}:{MINUTE}] ({LEVEL}) {LOG} as format.

The array parameter contains the levels that the logger can log, if it's empty it will log all levels. This are supported levels:

  • emergency
  • alert
  • critical
  • error
  • warning
  • notice
  • info
  • debug

The class \Psr\Log\LogLevel contains the constants definitions for all levels.

The log method will first see if the log message can be logged and then format it (if it can be logged), it accepts three parameters:

  • A string being the level on which the message should be logged.
  • A string being the message to log (can contain placeholders).
  • An array containing custom placeholders.

If the level isn't any of the costants defined in \Psr\Log\LogLevel it will throw an exception of type \Psr\Log\InvalidArgumentException.

All classes that extends this class must implement the method _write which will write the log message to wherever the child class wants. It accepts as parameter the formatted message and an the placeholders array:

namespace Test;

use \Alexya\Logger\AbstractLogger;

 * Simple logger that echoes each log entry
class Logger extends AbstractLogger
    protected function _write($message, $placeholders)
        echo $message;

File logger

The class \Alexya\Logger\File outputs each log message to a file.

The constructor accepts four parameters:

  • The \Alexya\FileSystem\File object that will represent the path where the log files will be saved.
  • A string being the format of each log file name, you can add the followin placeholders:
  • A string being the format that each log entry will have.
  • An array containing the elements that will be logged, you can get a full list of available values in the class \Psr\Log\LogLevel.

The file name format can have the followin placeholders:

  • {YEAR}, current year.
  • {MONTH}, current month.
  • {DAY}, current day.
  • {HOUR}, current hour.
  • {MINUTE}, current minute.
  • {SECOND}, current second.
  • {SERVER_NAME}, server's name (localhost,

If the file doesn't exist in the moment the message is going to be logged it will be created.

$Logger = new \Alexya\Logger\File(
    new \Alexya\FileSystem\Direcctory("/tmp/log/Alexya"),
    "[{HOUR}:{MINUTE}] ({LEVEL}) {LOG}",

$Logger->debug("test"); // [00:00] (debug) test
$Logger->info("[{HOUR}:{MINUTE}] ({LEVEL}) {CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDER}", [
    "CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDER" => "test"
]); // [00:00] (debug) test

Database logger

The class \Alexya\Logger\Database stores each log message in a database table.

The constructor acccepts five parameters:

  • The \Alexya\Database\Connection object that will be used for interacting with the database.
  • A string being the table name.
  • An associative array containing the columns and the values to insert.
  • A string being the format that each log entry will have.
  • An array containing the elements that will be logged, you can get a full list of available values in the class \Psr\Log\LogLevel.

Both, the columns array and the format string can accept the followin placeholders:

  • {YEAR}, current year.
  • {MONTH}, current month.
  • {DAY}, current day.
  • {HOUR}, current hour.
  • {MINUTE}, current minute.
  • {SECOND}, current second.
  • {SERVER_NAME}, server's name (localhost,
  • {CALLING_FUNCTION}, the function that called the logger.
  • {CALLING_FILE}, the file that called the logger.
  • {CALLING_LINE}, the line that called the logger.
  • {CALLING_CLASS}, the class that called the logger.
  • {CALLING_TYPE}, -> if the logger was called by an object, :: if it was called statically.
  • {LEVEL}, the level on which the log has been called.
  • {LOG}, the string to log.
$Logger = new \Alexya\Logger\Database(
        "date"    => "{YEAR}-{MONTH}-{DAY} {HOUR}:{MINUTE}:{SECOND}",
        "level"   => "{LEVEL}",
        "message" => "{LOG}"

$Logger->debug("test"); // INSERT INTO `logs` (`date`, `caller`, `level`, `message`) VALUES ('0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', 'debug', 'test');
$Logger->info("test", [
    "date"    => "{HOUR}:{MINUTE}:{SECOND}",
    "level"   => "{LEVEL}",
    "message" => "{LOG}"
]); // INSERT INTO `logs` (`date`, `caller`, `level`, `message`) VALUES ('00:00:00', '', 'debug', 'test');