
dev-master 2019-03-03 23:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-04 11:16:22 UTC


Build Status


Validation class to validate MAC addresses for plugging in right into Zend Framework 3.


The validator can be installed via composer as it is registered with packagist:

composer require alexsawallich/zend-validator-macaddress

Getting started

The simplest way of using the validator looks as follows:

$validator = new AlexSawallich\Validator\MacAddress();
$isValid = $validator->isValid('FE:34:ED:32:2F:F4');
if (false === $isValid) {


The validator comes with a variety of options. All these options are set to true by default. The options can be typically given into the constructor as array, as you could do with all zend validator classes.

For each options there's also a getter and a setter method, like setAllowColonNotation().

Option Type Default Description
allowColonNotation bool true Allows the colon (:) as valid separator, like AB:CD:EF:01:23:45.
allowDashNotation bool true Allows the dash (-) as valid separator, like AB-CD-EF-01-23-45.
allowUnseparatedNotation bool true Allows the use of no separator at all, like ABCDEF012345.
allowLowercase bool true Allows the use of lowercase chars, like ab:cd:ef:01:23:45.
allowUppercase bool true Allows the use of uppercase chars, like AB:CD:EF:01:23:45.