
As Laravel migrations work, this package allows you to keep track of code migrations and execute code blocks as if they are migrations.

v1.0.4 2022-10-27 11:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 15:21:01 UTC


As Laravel migrations work, this package allows you to keep track of code migrations and execute code blocks as if they are migrations.


This package needs Laravel/Lumen 5.x or latest

Installing this package through Composer. Require it directly from the Terminal to take the last stable version:

$ composer require alex90badea/patch-migration 

Add Service Provider in boostrap/app


First use only:

php artisan patch:install

Available commands:

Tables Are
php artisan patch:install Creates the table required for this package to work.
php artisan patch:make {name} Create a new patch file. (name : The name of the patch)
php artisan patch:status List all patches status.
php artisan patch:run Run the patches.

Basic example of a patch that you want to run when you deploy the app. Let's create a functionality to change all user's email addresses to lowercase. You will run php artisan patch:make change_users_emails_to_lowercase. The following file will be created under /patches folder of your root application.


class ChangeUsersEmailsToLowercase
     * Patch handle.
     * @return void
    public function handle()
        // here you will write the code


At the end you will run php artisan patch:run and the handle method will be executed.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license