
This package is designed to enable the developer to generate the migration files by just building his model

1.0.0 2024-02-19 20:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-27 07:11:01 UTC


Automatically generate you migration files from your models


One of the most important and critical part of laravel application is the migration files. Each time you need to add s single column to your table, you need to go to the console, create your migration file, add your migration commands and finally run the migrations.

This package will hide this over head from you, you only need to define the blueprint of you model and we will handle everything automatically.


Install using composer:

composer require aldeebhasan/migration-mapper

After installation run the following code to publish the config:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=migration-mapper-config

Basic Usage

Let's suppose that you have a model named as Product with three parameters [id,name,description,category_id,visisble] as Follow:

    name: 'x_models', // optional
    columns: [
        new Id(),
        new String_('name', length:255, default: "admin"),
        new Text('description', length:255, default: "admin"),
        new BigInteger('category_id', nullable: true, index: true, unsigned: true),
        new Enum('visible', ['off', 'on'], default: 'off', comment: 'status of the product'),
class XModel extends Model
    protected $fillable = [
        'name', 'description', 'category_id'

Each time you want to generate the migration files, you simply need to call:

php artisan mapper:generate

The result of the above command will be:


Note that the name parameter of table is optional. If it doesn't provided we will detect the table name from the model

If you want to discard all previous changes and migratin and start again from scratch, you can use the following command:

php artisan mapper:regenerate

By calling it we will delete all the migration files, all our logs and start again from zero.

At any point of time, if you want to rollback the last generation process, you can use the following command:

php artisan mapper:rollback

Supported Column Type

  • Boolean()
  • Date()
  • DateTme()
  • Time()
  • TinyInteger()
  • SmallInteger()
  • Integer()
  • MediumInteger()
  • BigInteger()
  • Decimal()
  • Double()
  • Float_()
  • Enum()
  • Id()
  • String_()
  • TinyText()
  • SmallText()
  • MediumText()
  • Text()
  • LongText()

Each of these types has a specific parameters that represent the operation the can handle.


This package can also handle the relation between models. The relation that we may interest in is Many To One and Many To Many relations, since they have direct effect on the model itself

lets consider that we have the following model:

    columns: [
        new Id(),
        new String_('name', length:255, default: "admin"),
        new BigInteger('category_id',unsigned: true,index: true),
class Product extends Model
    protected $fillable = [
    #[ManyToOne(related: Category::class)]
    public function category(): HasMany
        return $this->belongsTo(Category::class, 'category_id')   
    #[ManyToMany(related: Product::class, table: 'product_related', foreignKey: 'source_id', localKey: 'id', targetForeignKey: 'target_id', targetLocalKey: 'id')]
    public function related_products(): BelongsToMany
        return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class,'product_related', 'source_id', 'target_id');

By calling php artisan mapper:generate, the package will generate two tables for you and we will get the followings:


Please Note the other kind of relation has no effect over the model, so there is no idea of handling them.


Laravel Migration Mapper package is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).

Security contact information

To report a security vulnerability, contact directly to the developer contact email Here.