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Add comment to your Laravel app.

v0.1.1 2022-06-08 04:42 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-23 09:43:54 UTC


composer require alayubi/laravel-comment

you must publish the migration with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lara-comment-migrations

and rerun the migration.


You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lara-comment-config



If you want a model can be commented you can implements \Lara\Comment\Contracts\IsCommentable interface and add \Lara\Comment\Commentable trait for the implementation.

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Lara\Comment\Commentable;
use Lara\Comment\Contracts\IsCommentable;

class Post extends Model implements IsCommentable
    use Commentable;


Commentator is a model that comment on a model. Implements \Lara\Comment\Contracts\IsCommentator\ interface on a model if you want to your model to be a commentator and add \Lara\Comment\Commentator trait for the implementation.

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Lara\Comment\Commentator;
use Lara\Comment\Contracts\IsCommentator;

class User extends Model implements IsCommentator
    use Commentator;

Creating Comments

To create a comment to a model you should first create the view with form.

<form action="/posts/comments/store" methdo="POST">
    <textarea name="comment"></textarea>
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

at least you provide the textarea tag HTML with comment name. Then you may create a route to handle the request. In your controller you can use \Lara\Comment\CommentService class and store method to create a comment.

$post = Post::find(1);

$user = Auth::user();

$comment = CommentService::for($post, $user)

Updating comment

$commentToUpdate = Comment::find(1);

$user = Auth::user();

$comment = CommentService::for($commentToUpdate, $user)

Destory comment

$post = Post::find(1);

$user = Auth::user();

$comment = CommentService::for($post, $user)


Before you start with the default frontend you must integrate your app with:

  1. vue
  2. tailwindcss

The command below will publish the nested comment frontend. With nested comment you can reply a comment. You can publish the frotend with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lara-comment-vue

it will create views in resources/views/vendor/comment and vue component in resources/js/components/comment directory. Don't forget to copy this code below to your app.js.

Vue.component('edit-comment', require('./components/comment/EditComment.vue').default);
Vue.component('reply-comment', require('./components/comment/ReplyComment.vue').default);

After published you are be able to customise the css to fit with your view. To use the frontend nested comment you may include it in your view and pass the commentable model to it.

@include('vendor.comment.comment-list', ['commentable' => $post])

The code will render the comments with nested indentation belongs to $post. Change the indentation in config file so that you can reply a comment in more deeper indentation. You can imagine the indentation like:

- 0
    - 1
        - 2


By default there are three routes for common task.

  1. create visit route('') or /comments/{comment}/comments with POST method to create a comment on the comment.
  2. update visit route('comments.update') or /comments/{comment} with PUT method to update the comment.
  3. destroy visit route('comments.destroy') or /comments/{comment} with DELETE method to remove the comment from storage.

If you don't want to use the default route put false value in route inside setting file comment.php.

'route' => false

Validation Rule and Requested Data

\Lara\Comment\Validation\DefaultValidator is the default validator. Validator is a class that responsible to get and validate the data from user.

If you want to chnage default behavior of validation or what kind of data you will store to storage you can extends \Lara\Comment\Validation\Validator abstract class then you must implement public function data() and public function rules(). From the class you can access commentator model and request object.


The data function is resposible to return what kind of data to store.

public function data()
    return [
        'user_id' => $this->commentator->id,
        'comment' => $this->request->get('comment'),


The rules function is responsible to define what kind of validation rules to run.

public function rules()
    return [
        'user_id' => 'required',
        'comment' => 'required',

Don't forget to change the config validator value to your implementation.

return [
    'validator' => \Lara\Comment\Validation\DefaultValidator::class,

validateWithBag() method

If you have multiple form for comment then you want to display error message You can use validateWithBag() method to validate with bag.

$commentToUpdate = Comment::find(1);

$user = Auth::user();

$comment = CommentService::for($commentToUpdate, $user)

so whene validation error occur you may the access the error bag

{{ $errors->{$comment->id . 'PUT'}->first('comment') }}

you can access the name error bag with combination of the commentable id and the method PUT and POST


Redirector will redirect to the URL if validation fails. The default redirector is \Lara\Comment\Redirect\RedirectBack. This will redirect back with URL fragment #validation-comment-error. If you wish to change this default behavior you could create your own redirect by extends \Lara\Comment\Redirect\Redirect abstract class and change the redirector value on configuration comment file to your own implementation.

return [
    'redirector' => \Lara\Comment\Redirect\RedirectBack::class


You can create your own policy to authorize the action. To create policy class just run the laravel artisan command. For the complete guide see laravel documentation.

php artisan make:policy CommentPolicy

Don't forget to change policy class in config file.

return [
    'policy' => \Lara\Comment\CommentPolicy::class