
Basic PHP router using PSR.

v0.5.1 2024-09-23 16:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 17:48:28 UTC


A PHP PSR-7 Compatible Routing Library


This project provides a simple yet flexible routing system for PHP, compatible with PSR-7 HTTP message interfaces. It is designed to help you manage your application routes efficiently, supporting lazy-loaded route definitions, path matching, request handling, and URI generation.

The main components of this routing system include:

  1. Route: Represents a single route with methods, path, parameters, and a target action.
  2. RouteCollection: Manages a collection of routes, enabling easy iteration and retrieval.
  3. RequestMatcher: Matches incoming HTTP requests to the appropriate route.
  4. UriGenerator: Generates URIs based on the routes defined in the collection.
  5. RouterFactory: A factory for creating instances of the above components.


To install the router, use Composer:

composer require alanvdb/router


Defining and Using Routes

The Route class allows you to define a route by specifying the HTTP methods, path, and a target action (e.g., a controller method). These routes can then be added to a RouteCollection.


use AlanVdb\Router\Route;
use AlanVdb\Router\RouteCollection;

$route = new Route('home', 'GET', '/home', fn() => 'HomeController@index');
$routeCollection = new RouteCollection();
$routeCollection->add('home', fn() => $route);

Matching Requests

The RequestMatcher class matches an incoming PSR-7 ServerRequestInterface to a route in the RouteCollection. If a matching route is found, it is returned; otherwise, an appropriate exception is thrown.


use AlanVdb\Router\RequestMatcher;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;

$requestMatcher = new RequestMatcher($routeCollection);
try {
    $matchedRoute = $requestMatcher->matchRequest($request);
    // Handle the matched route
} catch (MethodNotAllowed $e) {
    // Handle method not allowed
} catch (RouteNotFound $e) {
    // Handle route not found

Generating URIs

The UriGenerator class generates URIs based on the routes defined in your RouteCollection. This is useful for creating links within your application.


use AlanVdb\Router\UriGenerator;

$uriGenerator = new UriGenerator($routeCollection);
$uri = $uriGenerator->generate('home', ['id' => 1]);
echo $uri; // Outputs: /home/1

Using the RouterFactory

The RouterFactory simplifies the creation of routes, route collections, request matchers, and URI generators.


use AlanVdb\Router\Factory\RouterFactory;

$factory = new RouterFactory();
$route = $factory->createRoute('home', 'GET', '/home', fn() => 'HomeController@index');
$routeCollection = $factory->createRouteCollection();
$routeCollection->add('home', fn() => $route);

$requestMatcher = $factory->createRequestMatcher($routeCollection);
$uriGenerator = $factory->createUriGenerator($routeCollection);

API Documentation



  • getName(): string: Returns the name of the route.
  • getPath(): string: Returns the path of the route.
  • getMethods(): array: Returns an array of allowed HTTP methods for the route.
  • getParams(): array: Returns an associative array of parameters for the route.
  • setParams(array $params): self: Sets the parameters for the route. Throws InvalidRouteParamProvided if a parameter key is not a string.
  • getTarget(): mixed: Returns the target action (a callable) associated with the route.



  • add(string $name, callable $route): void: Adds a new route to the collection.
  • get(string $name): RouteInterface: Retrieves a route by its name.
  • has(string $name): bool: Checks if a route with the given name exists in the collection.



  • matchRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request): RouteInterface: Matches an incoming request to a route. Throws MethodNotAllowed or RouteNotFound exceptions if no match is found.



  • generate(string $name, array $params = []): string: Generates a URI based on a route name and parameters.



  • createRoute(string $name, string $methods, string $path, callable $target): RouteInterface: Creates a new route instance.
  • createRouteCollection(): RouteIteratorInterface & LazyContainerInterface: Creates a new route collection.
  • createRequestMatcher(RouteIteratorInterface & LazyContainerInterface $routeCollection): RequestMatcherInterface: Creates a new request matcher.
  • createUriGenerator(RouteIteratorInterface & LazyContainerInterface $routeCollection): UriGeneratorInterface: Creates a new URI generator.


To run the tests, use the following command:


The tests are located in the tests directory and cover the functionality of the main components such as Route, RouteCollection, RequestMatcher, and UriGenerator.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.