
A CSV stream handler implementing PSR-7 StreamInterface

v0.2 2025-03-07 17:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 17:54:02 UTC


A simple and efficient PHP class for reading CSV files. This class implements the ArrayAccess and Iterator interfaces to provide a flexible way to interact with CSV data.


  • Reads CSV files with a customizable delimiter (default is a comma).
  • Supports CSV files with or without a header row.
  • Provides access to CSV rows as arrays or associative arrays (if a header is provided).
  • Implements ArrayAccess for easy array-like access to CSV rows.
  • Implements Iterator for easy iteration over CSV rows.
  • Read-only access to CSV data (modifying the data is not allowed).


Simply download the CsvReader.php file and include it in your project. Alternatively, you can install it via Composer.


Example 1: Simple CSV with Header

use AlanVdb\Csv\CsvReader;

$csv = new CsvReader('path/to/your/file.csv');

foreach ($csv as $row) {
    echo $row['ColumnName']; // Access columns by header name if available

Example 2: Simple CSV without Header

use AlanVdb\Csv\CsvReader;

$csv = new CsvReader('path/to/your/file.csv', ',', false);

foreach ($csv as $row) {
    print_r($row); // Access each row as a simple indexed array

Example 3: Accessing Data via ArrayAccess

use AlanVdb\Csv\CsvReader;

$csv = new CsvReader('path/to/your/file.csv');

foreach ($csv as $row) {
    echo $row[0]; // Access the first column of the row


__construct(string $filePath, string $delimiter = ',', bool $hasHeader = true)

  • filePath (string): Path to the CSV file.
  • delimiter (string): The delimiter used in the CSV file (default is ,).
  • hasHeader (bool): Whether the CSV file has a header row (default is true).

Throws RuntimeException if the file cannot be read and InvalidArgumentException if the delimiter is empty.

current() : mixed

Returns the current row of the CSV as an associative array (if the file has a header) or a simple indexed array.

key() : int

Returns the current row's position (index) in the CSV.

next() : void

Moves the pointer to the next row in the CSV file.

rewind() : void

Rewinds the file pointer to the beginning of the CSV file and prepares the reader to start from the first row.

valid() : bool

Checks if the current row is valid (i.e., not the end of the file).

offsetExists(mixed $offset) : bool

Checks if a column (offset) exists in the current row.

offsetGet(mixed $offset) : mixed

Gets the value of a specific column in the current row.

offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value) : void

Throws a RuntimeException since the CSV data is read-only.

offsetUnset(mixed $offset) : void

Throws a RuntimeException since the CSV data is read-only.


  • PHP 7.4 or higher.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.