
Alan's PHP sitemap generator

dev-main 2023-09-11 10:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-11 13:18:13 UTC


A completely new version of my old XML Stemap Generator application

// autoload.php

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use alantmiller\PhpSitemapGenerator\Sitemap;
use alantmiller\PhpSitemapGenerator\Entry;
use alantmiller\PhpSitemapGenerator\Generator;
use alantmiller\PhpSitemapGenerator\Config;

// Create and populate config 
$config = new Config();

// Domain regex allows alphanumeric, dashes, dot 
$domainRegex = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$/';
$domain = '';

if (preg_match($domainRegex, $domain)) {
  // Valid domain, use it
} else {
  // Invalid domain, throw error
  throw new Exception('Invalid domain format');


// Sitemap
$sitemap = new Sitemap($config);

// Add entry with video  
$video = [
  'thumbnail' => '/images/video1_thumbnail.jpg',
  'title' => 'Awesome Video'

$entry = new Entry('/video1', 0.9); 

// Add entry with images
$images = [
     'loc' => '/images/image1.jpg',
     'title' => 'Image 1'
     'loc' => '/images/image2.jpg',
     'title' => 'Image 2'

$entry = new Entry('/page1', 0.8);

$dateTime = new DateTime(); // current date

// Create random dates
for($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++) {

  $dateTime = new DateTime("+$i days");  
  $page = "/page$i";
  $priority = mt_rand(10, 20) / 10;
  $sitemap->addEntry($page, $priority, 'monthly', $dateTime);

// Generate
$generator = new Generator($config);
$sitemap = $generator->toString();

// Output sitemap
echo $sitemap;