
A lightweight PHP framework for creating quick, simple and secure RESTful APIs.

Installs: 1

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0


dev-main 2025-02-11 19:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 19:31:26 UTC


A lightweight PHP framework designed for building APIs.


  • Routing: Uses league/route for flexible and powerful routing.
  • Middleware: Supports middleware for request processing.
  • Configuration: Loads configuration from PHP files and environment variables.
  • Environment Variables: Uses vlucas/phpdotenv for managing environment variables.
  • Database: Uses catfan/medoo for database interactions.
  • API Strategy: Includes an ApiStrategy for standardized JSON responses and error handling.
  • CORS: Configurable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support.
  • Authentication: Provides basic authentication functionality.
  • Mailer: Uses phpmailer/phpmailer for sending emails with SMTP, PHP mail, or logging options.
  • Utilities: Includes utility functions for generating random strings, hashing passwords, and slugifying strings.
  • PSR-7 Compatible: Uses PSR-7 interfaces for HTTP requests and responses.
  • Testing: Uses Pest for a more enjoyable and expressive testing experience.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone [repository_url] alan-tiller-framework
    cd alan-tiller-framework
  2. Install dependencies using Composer:

    composer install
  3. Configure environment variables:

    • Copy .env.example to .env:

      cp .env.example .env
    • Edit .env to set your environment-specific values (database credentials, mail settings, etc.).


The framework uses configuration files located in the config/ directory.

  • config/app.php: General application settings (timezone, debug mode).
  • config/database.php: Database connection settings.
  • config/routes.php: Route definitions.
  • config/cors.php: CORS configuration.
  • config/mail.php: Mailer settings.
  • config/auth.php: Authentication settings.

Environment variables override the values in the configuration files.


  1. Create an entry point (e.g., public/index.php):

    use AlanTiller\Framework\Core\App;
    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    $app = new App(__DIR__ . '/../'); // Pass the base path
    // Load routes from config/routes.php
    $routes = require __DIR__ . '/../config/routes.php';
  2. Define routes in config/routes.php:

    use AlanTiller\Framework\Core\App;
    return function (App $app) {
        $router = $app->getRouter();
        $router->addRoute('GET', '/', function () {
            return ['message' => 'Hello, world!'];
        $router->addRoute('GET', '/error', function () {
            throw new \Exception('This is a test error.');
  3. Run the application:

    Use a web server (e.g., PHP's built-in web server) to run the application:

    php -S localhost:8000 -t public

    Then, access the application in your browser at http://localhost:8000.

Core Components

App Class

The main application class located in src/Core/App.php.

  • __construct(string $basePath = null, LoggerInterface $logger = null): Constructor. Takes the base path and an optional logger instance.
  • init(array $config = []): Initializes the application. Loads configuration, connects to the database, initializes the router, etc.
  • serve(): Serves the application by dispatching the router.
  • getConfig(): Returns the Config instance.
  • getDatabase(): Returns the Medoo database instance.
  • getRouter(): Returns the RouterInterface instance.
  • getMail(): Returns the MailInterface instance.
  • getAuth(): Returns the AuthenticationInterface instance.
    • attempt(array $credentials): Attempts to authenticate a user with the given credentials.
    • user(): Returns the currently authenticated user.
    • check(): Checks if a user is authenticated.
    • logout(): Logs out the current user.
  • getUser(): Returns the UserInterface instance.
    • find(int $id): Finds a user by ID.
    • findByCredentials(array $credentials): Finds a user by credentials.
    • create(array $data): Creates a new user.
    • update(int $id, array $data): Updates an existing user.
    • delete(int $id): Deletes a user.
  • getUtilities(): Returns the UtilitiesInterface instance.
    • generateRandomString(int $length = 16): Generates a random string.
    • hashPassword(string $password): Hashes a password.
    • verifyPassword(string $password, string $hash): Verifies a password against a hash.
    • slugify(string $string): Generates a URL-friendly slug from a string.
  • getLogger(): Returns the LoggerInterface instance.
  • getBasePath(): Returns the base path of the application.

Config Class

The configuration class located in src/Core/Config.php.

  • __construct(string $configPath, array $initialConfig = []): Constructor. Takes the path to the configuration directory and an optional array of initial configuration values.
  • get(string $key, $default = null): Returns the value of the configuration key.
  • set(string $key, mixed $value): Sets the value of the configuration key.
  • all(): Returns all configuration values.

RouterInterface and LeagueRouteRouterProvider

The RouterInterface (located in src/Interfaces/RouterInterface.php) defines the contract for routing. The LeagueRouteRouterProvider (located in src/Providers/LeagueRouteRouterProvider.php) implements the RouterInterface using league/route.

  • addRoute(string $method, string $route, callable|string $handler): Adds a route to the router.
  • dispatch(): Dispatches the router and sends the response.


The ApiStrategy (located in src/Strategy/ApiStrategy.php) provides a standardized way to handle API requests and responses.

  • corsConfig(array $config): Configures CORS settings.
  • createErrorResponse(ResponseInterface $response, Throwable $exception): Creates a standardized JSON error response.

AuthenticationInterface and AuthenticationProvider

The AuthenticationInterface (located in src/Interfaces/AuthenticationInterface.php) defines the contract for authentication. The AuthenticationProvider (located in src/Providers/AuthenticationProvider.php) implements the AuthenticationInterface.

UserInterface and UserProvider

The UserInterface (located in src/Interfaces/UserInterface.php) defines the contract for user management. The UserProvider (located in src/Providers/UserProvider.php) implements the UserInterface.

MailInterface and MailProvider

The MailInterface (located in src/Interfaces/MailInterface.php) defines the contract for sending emails. The MailProvider (located in src/Providers/MailProvider.php) implements the MailInterface using phpmailer/phpmailer.

UtilitiesInterface and UtilitiesProvider

The UtilitiesInterface (located in src/Interfaces/UtilitiesInterface.php) defines the contract for utility functions. The UtilitiesProvider (located in src/Providers/UtilitiesProvider.php) implements the UtilitiesInterface.

Error Handling

The ApiStrategy provides a centralized way to handle exceptions and return standardized JSON error responses. In debug mode, the error response includes the exception trace. In production mode, the error response includes a generic error message.

CORS Configuration

CORS can be configured in the config/cors.php file. The following settings are available:

  • allowedOrigins: An array of allowed origins (e.g., ['', '']) or ['*'] to allow all origins.
  • allowedMethods: An array of allowed HTTP methods (e.g., ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS']).
  • allowedHeaders: An array of allowed HTTP headers (e.g., ['Content-Type', 'Authorization', 'Accept']).
  • exposedHeaders: An array of headers that can be exposed to the client.
  • maxAge: The maximum age (in seconds) that the CORS preflight request can be cached.
  • allowCredentials: Whether to allow credentials (e.g., cookies) to be included in the request.

Mail Configuration

The mailer can be configured in the config/mail.php file. The following settings are available:

  • driver: The mail driver to use (smtp, mail, or log).
  • host: The SMTP host.
  • port: The SMTP port.
  • username: The SMTP username.
  • password: The SMTP password.
  • encryption: The SMTP encryption type (tls or ssl).
  • from_address: The "from" address for emails.
  • from_name: The "from" name for emails.


The framework provides basic authentication functionality.

  1. Configure the authentication settings in config/auth.php:

    • username_field: The name of the database column that stores the username (default: email).
    • password_field: The name of the database column that stores the password (default: password).
  2. Use the Auth facade to authenticate users:

    use AlanTiller\Framework\Core\App;
    return function (App $app) {
        $router = $app->getRouter();
        $router->addRoute('POST', '/login', function ($request) use ($app) {
            $auth = $app->getAuth();
            $params = $request->getParsedBody();
            $user = $auth->attempt([
                'username' => $params['email'],
                'password' => $params['password'],
            if ($user) {
                return ['message' => 'Login successful'];
            } else {
                return ['error' => 'Invalid credentials'];
        $router->addRoute('GET', '/me', function () use ($app) {
            $auth = $app->getAuth();
            $user = $auth->user();
            if ($user) {
                return ['user' => $user];
            } else {
                return ['error' => 'Unauthorized'];
        $router->addRoute('POST', '/logout', function () use ($app) {
            $auth = $app->getAuth();
            return ['message' => 'Logout successful'];


This framework uses Pest for testing.

  1. Install Pest:

    composer require --dev pestphp/pest
  2. Initialize Pest:

    ./vendor/bin/pest --init
  3. Run Tests:



Please submit pull requests with detailed descriptions of the changes.


This framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.