akeneo / magento-admin-extractor
Allows to extract data from Magento crawling the back-end for testing purpose
This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.
- fabpot/goutte: ~2.0
- symfony/dom-crawler: ~2.3.19
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2020-08-07 18:37:59 UTC
What MagentoAdminExtractor is about ?
The component use Goutte to connect to the Magento back-end and extracts data which are human-visible. Its main purpose is to be included in the Magento Connector Bundle (https://github.com/akeneo/MagentoConnectorBundle) test suite in order to check that data sent to Magento are well received.
What can I do with MagentoAdminExtractor ?
- Allows to connect to Magento Admin
- Allows to navigate in Magento backend
- Allows to change the number of rows you can view par page in grid
- Allows to extract products with their attributes and associations
- Allows to extract attributes with their parameters and options
- Allows to extract categories tree
How to install MagentoAdminExtractor ?
Clone the project :
git clone git@github.com:akeneo/MagentoAdminExtractor.git
And then create a symlink in your project with ln -s path_to_MagentoAdminExtractor path_to_your_project
How to use the extractor ?
Remove the secret keys to url to be able to extract data. System -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Admin -> Security -> Add secret key to urls : NO
Try to extract
You can have a try and see examples of code with test.php, add print_r() on data you want to see in terminal and
$ php test.php
Connect to a Magento back-end
use Akeneo\Component\MagentoAdminExtractor\Manager\LogInException; use Akeneo\Component\MagentoAdminExtractor\Manager\MagentoAdminConnectionManager; $connectionManager = new MagentoAdminConnectionManager( MAGENTO_ADMIN_URL, MAGENTO_ADMIN_LOGIN, MAGENTO_ADMIN_PWD ); try { $mainPageCrawler = $connectionManager->connectToAdminPage(); $client = $connectionManager->getClient(); } catch (LogInException $e) { die($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); }
Navigate with navigation manager
Second argument of ->goToXXXCatalog() is a numeric and allows you specify the number of rows per page you want to have in your grid. It's 20 by default.
use Akeneo\Component\MagentoAdminExtractor\Manager\NavigationManager; $client = $connectionManager->getClient(); $navigationManager = new NavigationManager($client); $productCatalogCrawler = $navigationManager->goToProductCatalog($mainPageCrawler, 50); $attributeCatalogCrawler = $navigationManager->goToAttributeCatalog($mainPageCrawler, 50); $myURLCrawler = $navigationManager->goToUri('GET', 'http://magento.local/index.php/admin/catalog_product/edit/id/5/key/secret_key/store/1');
How to extract products and their attributes ?
use Akeneo\Component\MagentoAdminExtractor\Extractor\ProductAttributeExtractor; $productAttributeExtractor = new ProductAttributeExtractor($navigationManager); $productCatalogCrawler = $navigationManager->goToProductCatalog($mainPageCrawler, 50); $products = $productAttributeExtractor->filterRowsAndExtract($productCatalogCrawler);
How to extract attributes ?
use Akeneo\Component\MagentoAdminExtractor\Extractor\AttributeExtractor; $attributeExtractor = new AttributeExtractor($navigationManager); $attributeCatalogCrawler = $navigationManager->goToAttributeCatalog($mainPageCrawler, 50); $attributes = $attributeExtractor->filterRowsAndExtract($attributeCatalogCrawler);
How to extract categories ?
use Akeneo\Component\MagentoAdminExtractor\Extractor\CategoriesExtractor; $categoriesExtractor = new CategoriesExtractor($navigationManager); $categories = $categoriesExtractor->extract($mainPageCrawler);
How to create my own extractor ?
New extractor for entities in a grid
class MyEntityExtractor extends AbstractGridExtractor { public function extract(Crawler $myEntityNodeCrawler, $myEntityName = '') { // Your stuff here } protected function getExtractedEntity() { return 'myEntity'; } }
New extractor for entities not in a grid
class MyEntityExtractor extends AbstractExtractor { public function extract(Crawler $mainPageCrawler) { // Your stuff here } }
What Magento versions are supported by Akeneo MagentoAdminExtractor ?
For now the component is only tested with Magento 1.8.