
Keep your client store in sync with middleware. No more manually keeping the store in sync with every api call, also leverages pusher so the same middleware can keep all clients up to date

dev-master / 0.0.x-dev 2020-04-12 05:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 14:54:00 UTC


Provides a simple way to fully sync a client store across many browsers. No more manually firing events on the api, and manually handing each event on the front end.

How It Works

  • Buy Flagging changes to Models, we are able to track changes indirectly.
  • Buy Defining a Store on the server we know what the client expects.
  • Buy Defining properties on the store (Eloquent Queries) we can very accurately scope the data.
  • Buy Defining Model Changes we can fine tune the way the data is modified
  • Buy Leveraging Middleware, you can set it and forget it, data will stay in sync if you change the client or the backend.
Docs: https://laravel-realtime-database.akceli.io/