
Action Data Validate PHP Laravel

1.0.1 2024-04-01 11:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 05:10:40 UTC


composer require akbarali/action-data

Instructions for use

Laravel Request Used:


Array Used:


Json Used:


If you want to add a new validation type between functions

$actionData->addValidationRule('id', 'required|integer');
//To check again

Let's say you have data in array type. You can also add value to it yourself. For example:

$userId = Auth::id();
$actionData->set('data', '*.user_id', $userId);
$actionData->addValidationRule('data.*.user_id', 'required|integer');

ActionData get Array

// or  
// or

If you only need some of that class

$actionData->only(['id', 'name']);

If you want direct access in Laravel Controller, add it to providers in /config/app.php

'providers' => [

Then you can use the ActionData class in the Controller function Example:

public function store(StoreIncomeActionData $actionData)
//This includes validated information. Otherwise, it returns an ActionDataException.

0.8 version

Add isUpdate() method

// Update
// Create

1.0.0 version

Added setUser isCreate getUser updated created fromRequest and fromArray methods

setUser method is used to set

class StorePotentialPartnersActionData extends \Akbarali\ActionData\ActionDataBase
    public ?int    $id;
    public ?int    $agent_id;
    public ?string $phone;

    public ?string $full_name;
    public ?string $address;
    public ?string $description;
    /** @var array<UploadedFile>|null */
    public ?array $images    = [];
    public ?array $oldImages = [];

    protected function prepare(): void
        $this->rules = [
            'id'          => 'nullable|numeric|exists:potential_partner,id',
            'full_name'   => 'required',
            'address'     => 'required',
            'description' => 'nullable',
            "images"      => "required_without:oldImages|array",
            "images.*"    => "required|image",
            "oldImages"   => "required_without:images|array",
            "oldImages.*" => "required|int|exists:potential_partner_images,id",

    protected function setUser(): void
        $this->user = auth()->user();

updated method means that it is an update operation.

 * @param int     $id
 * @param Request $request
 * @return RedirectResponse
 * @throws ValidationException
public function update(int $id, Request $request): RedirectResponse
   try {
        $request->request->set('id', $id);
        return to_route('page.index')->with('message', trans('all.updated'));
    } catch (OperationException|ActionDataException|QueryException $e) {
        return back()->withInput()->withErrors($e->getMessage());

If you do not call ->updated() after fromRequest, it will automatically check by id. If the id is in your request, then it knows that it is an update operation

That's how it's written:

public function isUpdate(): bool
    return $this->updated ?? (isset($this->id) && $this->id > 0);

created() is the opposite of ->updated()

fromRequest to reference createFromRequest method fromArray to reference createFromArray method

1.0.1 version

readonly supported

class StorePartnersActionData extends \Akbarali\ActionData\ActionDataBase
    public readonly int $id;

    protected function prepare(): void
        $this->rules = [
            'id'          => 'nullable|numeric|exists:potential_partner,id',

class PartnerController extends Controller{

    public function update(int $id, Request $request): RedirectResponse
       try {
            $request->request->set('id', $id);
            return to_route('page.index')->with('message', trans('all.updated'));
        } catch (OperationException|ActionDataException|QueryException $e) {
            return back()->withInput()->withErrors($e->getMessage());
    public function storePartner(StorePotentialPartnersActionData $actionData): RedirectResponse
        $actionData->id = 1; // Exception: Error

Error: Cannot modify readonly property App\ActionData\StorePartnersActionData::$id