
calculate distance between 2 geolocations using haversine formula

v1.0.0 2021-01-18 08:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 20:10:26 UTC


A Simple Facade for Laravel that calculates the Distance between 2 geo locations defined by latitude and longitude details using the Haversine Formula.


Installation using composer

composer require ajarunthomas/haversine

Include the Facade

use Ajarunthomas\Facades\Haversine;

Optionally include the Facade in the aliases section of the app.php config file

'Haversine' => Ajarunthomas\Facades\Haversine::class,

Calculate the distance between 2 cordinates

$distance = Haversine::distance([24.885368,55.120223],[25.223954,55.274097]);