
XML manipulation with PHP made easy

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2020-07-17 06:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-17 16:10:17 UTC


Build status


XML manipulation with PHP made easy


Download the library

This library makes use of Composer. You need to have it on your machine. See Composer for instructions. Here we are assuming that you have Composer installed globally.

$ composer require aircury/xml


Class documentation


  • parseString(string $xmlString): Node Given an xml string, parses that string into a Node object.
  • parseFile(string $path): Node Given a path, parses that file into a Node object.
  • dump(Node $node): string Giving any Node, will dump it into an xml string.


Node is the base class.

If you want to set some attributes, there are three options:

  1. You can pass them to the constructor. E.g. new Node('pizza', ['crust' => 'classic'])
  2. Node implements \ArrayAccess, so you can use $pizza['crust'] for setting or reading the attributes.
  3. Node has a public attribute called attributes, so you can access them directly. $pizza->attributes['crust'] = 'classic';


It is a collection of nodes.

  • indexByAttribute(string $attribute): NodeCollection Given an attribute it will index the collection by it
  • getNamedChildren(string $childName, array $attributes = [], bool $createIfMissing = false): NodeCollection Get a subset of the child nodes, filtered by $attributes. If $createIfMissing is passed, it will ensure it is created if there are no matches.
  • getNamedChild(string $childName, array $attributes = [], bool $createIfMissing = true): Node Same as getNamedChildren but expecting only one match.


$pizza = new Node('pizza'); // Create a new 'pizza' node.

$peperoni = new Node('ingredient', ['name' => 'peperoni', 'spicy' => 'true']);
$slice = new Node('slice');

$pizza->addChild(new Node('ingredient', ['name' => 'cheese', 'type' => 'cheddar']));
$pizza->addChild(new Node('ingredient', ['name' => 'cheese', 'type' => 'camembert']));

$pizza['crust'] = 'classic'; // Set the crust attribute of the pizza node

unset($peperoni['spicy']); // Remove an attirbute from the peperoni ingredient node

if (isset($peperoni['spicy'])) {
    // ...

// Get all the 'ingredient' nodes of the 'pizza'
$ingredients = $pizza->namedChildren['ingredient'];

// Access the peperoni ingredient

// If you want to access them by any of the attributes, you can index them by that attribute
$pizza->indexByAttribute('ingredient', 'name');

// If you want to filter the child nodes by an attribute, you can use `getNamedChildren`
$cheeses = $pizza->getNamedChildren('ingredient', ['name' => 'cheese']); // Will return a NodeCollection with two elements

// By default, if the children that you are after don't exist, it will create them. if you don't want them to be created
// pass the third argument as false
$emptyCollection = $pizza->getNamedChildren('ingredient', ['name' => 'mushroom'], false);

// If there is only one child, you can also use `getNamedChild`
$slice = $pizza->getNamedChild('slice');


This software is published under the MIT license.