
A PocketMine-MP plugin that allows server administrators to issue warnings to players and keep track of their warning history.

1.1.0 2023-08-13 07:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-26 20:19:57 UTC


A PocketMine-MP plugin that allows server administrators to issue warnings to players and keep track of their warning history.


  1. Player Warning System: A comprehensive system for issuing warnings to players who violate server rules or exhibit inappropriate behavior.
  2. Warning Limits: Set configurable limits on the number of warnings a player can accumulate, triggering actions when limits are reached.
  3. Customizable Punishments: Define various types of punishments for players exceeding the warning limit, including kicking, banning, and IP banning.
  4. Delayed Punishments: Schedule punishments to activate after a specified delay, allowing time for players to correct behavior.
  5. Warning Expiration: Assign expiration dates to warnings; players are notified when warnings expire.
  6. Discord Integration: Integrate with Discord via webhooks to receive notifications for warning-related events, punishments, and more.
  7. Player Notifications: Players receive notifications upon joining, indicating their current warning count, new warnings since last login, and active punishments.
  8. Update Notifications: Optionally notify administrators of plugin updates to ensure the latest version is being used.
  9. Configurable Warning Messages: Customize warning messages sent to players upon receiving a warning or upon warning expiration.
  10. Configurable Punishment Messages: Define custom messages for each punishment type, displayed when punishments are applied.
  11. Pending Punishments: Queue pending punishments for offline players, ensuring they are applied upon login.
  12. Ease of Management: Use commands to issue warnings, remove warnings, clear all warnings for a player, and view warning history.
  13. Flexible Configuration: Highly customizable configuration options to adapt the warning and punishment system to specific server needs.
  14. Event Handling: Utilize event listeners to track player actions and trigger appropriate responses based on warnings and punishments.
  15. Comprehensive Logging: Log errors, warnings, and important events to maintain a record of significant activities related to warnings and punishments.

Default Config

# PlayerWarn Configuration

# Do not change this (Only for internal use)!
config-version: 1.0

# Enable or disable the auto update checker notifier.
update_notifier: true

# Warning settings
  # The `limit` option specifies the maximum number of warnings a player can receive before punishment is applied.
  # Set to a positive integer. Default value: 3
  limit: 3

  # The `delay` option specifies the delay time in seconds before applying the punishment.
  # If the delay is greater than 0, a warning message will be sent to the player.
  # If the delay is 0 or negative, the punishment will be applied immediately without delay.
  # Default value: 5
  delay: 5

  # The `message` option specifies the warning message template to be sent to the player.
  # The `{delay}` placeholder will be replaced with the actual delay time in seconds.
  # You can use color codes by using "§" or "&" before the color code.
  # Default value: '&cYou have reached the warning limit. You will be punished in {delay} seconds.'
  message: '&cYou have reached the warning limit. You will be punished in {delay} seconds.'

# Punishment settings
  # The `type` option specifies the type of punishment to apply when a player reaches the warning limit.
  # Valid options are "kick", "ban", "ban-ip", and "none".
  # - "kick": Kicks the player from the server when the warning limit is reached.
  # - "ban": Bans the player from the server when the warning limit is reached.
  # - "ban-ip": Bans the player's IP address from the server when the warning limit is reached.
  # - "none": No punishment will be applied when the warning limit is reached.
  # Default value is "none".
  type: none

  # Custom punishment messages for each type of punishment.
  # These messages will be shown to the player when the punishment is applied.
  # You can use color codes by using "§" or "&" before the color code.
  # Note: Custom messages are only applicable when the `type` is not "none".
    # Custom message for the "kick" punishment type.
    kick: '&cYou have been kicked for reaching the warning limit.'

    # Custom message for the "ban" punishment type.
    ban: '&cYou have been banned for reaching the warning limit.'
    # Custom message for the "ban-ip" punishment type.
    ban-ip: '&cYour IP address has been banned for reaching the warning limit.'

# Discord integration settings
  # Enable or disable the Discord integration.
  # Set to true to enable the integration, or false to disable it.
  enabled: false

  # The Discord webhook URL to send messages to.
  # Replace 'YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL' with the actual URL of your Discord webhook.
  # Example: ""
  webhook_url: "YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL"

Discord Integration

Use this awesome website to generate valid json with built-in preview: Discohook, also you can send webhooks to your server with it if you just wan't fancy embed in your channel without any automatization.

  • Webhook on Discord

    1. Go to Server settings -> Webhooks -> Create Webhook
    2. Setup name, avatar and the channel, where it will be posted. Copy Webhook URL. Do not share! Very dangerous!
    3. Click Save and then the Done button
  • Enable Discord Integration

    1. Open the config.yml file.
    2. Find the discord section and change enabled to true.
    3. Paste the webhook URL under webhook_url.


The PlayerWarn plugin provides the following commands for chunk clearing:

  • /warn <player> <reason> [duration]: Command to issue a warning to a player.
    • Permission: playerwarn.command.warn
  • /clearwarns <player>: Command to clear all warnings for a player.
    • Permission: playerwarn.command.warn
  • /warns [player]: Command to view all warnings.
    • Permission: playerwarn.command.warn


To control access to the commands provided by the PlayerWarn plugin, the following permissions are available:

  • playerwarn.command.warn: Allows players to use the /warn command.
  • playerwarn.command.clearwarns: Allows players to use the /clearwarns command.
  • playerwarn.command.warns: Allows players to use the /warns command.

Grant these permissions to specific player groups or individuals using a permissions management plugin of your choice.

Upcoming Features

  • Currently none planned. You can contribute or suggest for new features.

Additional Notes

  • If you find bugs or want to give suggestions, please visit here.
  • We accept all contributions! If you want to contribute, please make a pull request in here.
  • Icons made from