
dev-master 2019-10-08 16:00 UTC



composer require --dev aiiro/laravel-graphql-factory


Optionally, you can publish the config file by running this command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aiiro\GraphQL\GraphQLFactoryServiceProvider"

And then, you can find config/graphql-factory.php.


return [

    'path' => 'app',

     * List of the columns that will not appear in the type schema.
    'ignored_columns' => [


After installing and Configuration, you can generate the schema file by running the following command.

Please pass the table name to generate:type command as the argument.

php artisan generate:type books


type Book {
    id: Int
    title: String
    created_at: String
    updated_at: String

To generate type files of all tables in database.

Use --all option without table name, to generate type schema of all tables in database.

If a type schema of the table exists, it will be skipped and continue to generate schema of other tables.

php artisan generate:type --all


This project is released under MIT License. See MIT License for the detail.