
Laravel 5.* Library for Malaysian states list

1.0.3 2019-08-10 09:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-10 21:18:55 UTC


This package is useful for people who would want to create dropdown input or anything that requires the Malaysian States list.


$ composer require aifaiz/myrstates

How to use

you can use it in anywhere such as controller. declare the namespace like this before the class

use AiFaiz\Malaysia\MyStates;

accessing the states:

$states = MyStates::getStates()

Collections of states will be returned and you can perform collection method on it. such as:


refer to Collection Methods for more info on utilizing collections

Getting the state name by code

$state = MyStates::stateByCode('KUL')
// Kuala Lumpur

Using Alias

You can use it directly in laravel blade template like this:

    @foreach(MalayStates::getStates() as $state)
	<option value="{{$state['code']}}">{{$state['name']}}</option>

Sample Data

Collections Result